Reverse Dependencies of Platypus-Opt
The following projects have a declared dependency on Platypus-Opt:
- besos — A library for Building and Energy Simulation, Optimization and Surrogate-modelling
- emat — Add a short description here
- EZFF — Multiobjective forcefield optimization for Molecular Dynamics
- humpday — Taking the pain out of choosing a Python global optimizer
- hyper-ford — HYdroPowER Simulation and Optimization Toolbox
- ipp-toolkit — A general framework for informative path planning experiments, with a focus on wrapping datasets, sensors, planners, and visualization in a modular manner
- irons — A Python package that enables the simulation, forecasting and optimisation of reservoir systems
- lite-bo — Efficient and generalized blackbox optimization (BBO) system
- loone — LOONE: A comprehensive water balance-nutrient-optimization model
- openbox — Efficient and generalized blackbox optimization (BBO) system
- Platypus-Opt — Multiobjective optimization in Python
- pywr — Python Water Resource model
- pywr-stoch — Python Water Resource model
- raspy-cal — A HEC-RAS automatic calibration application
- Rhodium — Robust decision making and exploratory modelling in Python
- supy — the SUEWS model that speaks python
- tuneup — Global optimizer comparison and combination
- udao — no summary