Reverse Dependencies of plantuml
The following projects have a declared dependency on plantuml:
- ansible2puml — Create an PlantUML Activity Diagram from Playbooks or Roles trough Python.
- Architectural-Lens — Thesis project
- ArchLens-Preview — Designed for visualizing package dependencies and highlighting differences between branches in GitHub pull requests. It offers customization options to tailor package views.
- assetutilities — utilities for general use
- basel — Report Architecture Data
- coben — A tool to manage and streamline software project workflows.
- frappeviz — Python app for visualizing class diagrams for a Frappe Framework App using PlantUML
- jarvis4se — Jarvis 4 Systems Engineers
- MT-diagrams — Thesis project
- nbplantuml — Easily embed plantuml diagrams in your IPython noteboooks
- ontogram — Ontogram - an OWL ontology diagram generator.
- ontol — A tool for parsing and visualizing ontology files written in the Ontol DSL
- orange-system-dynamics — Add-on containing widgets for system dynamics operations
- panther-net — Panther: Protocol formal Analysis and formal Network Threat Evaluation Resources
- pdgen — A package for generating UML Class diagrams from Python code
- pm4pymdl — Process Mining for Python - Multi-Dimensional Event Logs
- pydiagrams — Generate software diagrams using Python syntax
- resotocore — Keeps all the things.
- rst2pdf — Convert reStructured Text to PDF via ReportLab.
- sapextractor — SAP Extractor
- shexer — Automatic schema extraction for RDF graphs
- sysl — System specification language with compiler and code generator
- termslides — Script your slides in YAML file and show it in terminal.
- text2story — no summary
- uml2py — A converter from PlantUML class diagrams to python3 skeleton classes.