Reverse Dependencies of PLAMS
The following projects have a declared dependency on PLAMS:
- ChemTraYzer — Reaction models from molecular dynamics simulations.
- Data-CAT — A databasing framework for the Compound Attachment Tools package (CAT).
- dragonfruit — Workflow tool
- mincepy-sci — Plugins to enable common scientific and machine learning type to be saved by mincePy
- Nano-CAT — A collection of tools for the analysis of nanocrystals.
- nlesc-CAT — A collection of tools designed for the automatic construction of chemical compounds.
- orb_analysis — the package can be used for analysing fragment calculations with the AMS software package
- qmctorch — Pytorch Implementation of Quantum Monte Carlo
- qmflows — Automation of computations in quantum chemistry.
- reaxpro-wrappers — The wrapper of AMS and Zacros drivers for SimPhoNy
- TCutility — Utility package for working with AMS/ADF within the Theoretical Chemistry group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (TheoCheM). Makes use of plams - a package developed by SCM