Reverse Dependencies of pipe
The following projects have a declared dependency on pipe:
- ADTthious — Abstract Data Types for python
- agentopia — no summary
- beforerr — Personal Python utility library
- dado — Dado: Data Driven Test Decorator.
- din — Dunder Mixins
- flatehr — Tool for generating openEHR compositions from other formats
- keecas — A set of tools for symbolic math computation done in a jupyter notebook, aimed specifically for Quarto. It is based mostly on sympy.
- morepipes — Extended pipes for functional programming
- mPyPl — Monadic Pipeline Library for Python
- obj-det-metrics — Simple package to compute metrics for object detection
- phlower — This is a Python package which helps you handle GNN especially for physics problems.
- powerpuff — My silly collection of random utils
- rototiller — no summary
- seedflow — no summary
- shublang — Shublang - Data Extraction DSL
- sspipe — Simple Smart Pipe Operator
- subgrounds — A Pythonic data access layer for applications querying data from The Graph Network.
- subgrounds-gnosis — A Pythonic data access layer for applications querying data from The Graph Network.
- xi-pipes — Custom pipes
- yessql — An easy to use python SQL database interface for Postgres and MySQL
- zfnlib — My lib