Reverse Dependencies of pip-tools
The following projects have a declared dependency on pip-tools:
- 77file-downloader — Simple downloader for website
- aac — A distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml.
- aac-bom — Architecture-as-Code (AaC) plugin for material modeling. Rigorously track your sites, assemblies, and parts.
- abclf — Classify American vs. British English
- absmartly — ABSmartly Python SDK lib
- acd-tools — Rockwell ACD File Tools
- actlog — An activity log that shows you what you did when
- adetfs — Automated Data Extraction Tool for Fitbit Server
- admyral — no summary
- adversarial-insight-ml — no summary
- aett-domain — Domain modeling types aett event store
- aett-dynamodb — DynamoDB connector for aett event store
- aett-eventstore — Event store for Python
- aett-inmemory — In-Memory persistence for aett event store
- aett-mongodb — MongoDB connector for aett event store
- aett-mongodb-async — MongoDB connector for aett event store
- aett-postgres — Postgres connector for aett event store
- aett-postgres-async — Postgres connector for aett event store
- aett-s3 — S3 connector for aett event store
- aett-sqlite — SqLite connector for aett event store
- aett-sqlite-async — SqLite connector for aett event store
- agentarchives — Clients to retrieve, add, and modify records from archival management systems.
- ahbicht — Python Library to parse AHB expressions.
- ahlbatross — Tool for comparing and visualizing changes between AHB documents across different format version releases.
- ai-chatter — no summary
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aidriver — AIDriver
- ainyan — Helpers for AI training
- aioaprs — Async Python3 libraray implementing an APRS-IS client
- aioliqpay — Asyncio LiqPay SDK for Python
- aiopypes — Scalable async pipelines in Python, made easy
- airgpt — A command line tool empowered by AI and LLM
- ale-project-x — Project x
- alert-lvm — A client library to call the LVM API with some helpful functions
- alex-ber-utils — AlexBerUtils is collection of the small utilities
- always-list-field — Ensure that your schema field will be a list
- amclient — Archivematica API client library.
- ammcpc — Python command line wrapper around MediaConch policy checks.
- amplitude-data-wrapper — python wrapper for using the amplitude analytics and taxonomy APIs
- anansi-tags — ANSI String Creation via BBCode-like Tags
- ansible-content-parser — The ansible content parser
- ansible-dev-environment — A pip-like ansible collection installer.
- ansible-development-environment — A pip-like ansible collection installer.
- ansinject — Inject network security config xml into an Android APK
- antiocr — Python3 package for generating text images which can't be recognized by AI
- api-tackle — API Tackle - Simple Python REST API Framework
- apollos-clone — Clones an Apollos template app
- apophenia — Extract and structure all the data from a Git repository to make them usable in RAG.
- aprsd — APRSd is a APRS-IS server that can be used to connect to APRS-IS and send and receive APRS packets.
- aprsd-admin-extension — Administration extension for the Ham radio APRSD Server
- aprsd-email-plugin — APRSD Email plugin
- aprsd-webchat-extension — APRSD Webchat
- apt-mirror — apt-mirror Python reimplementation
- asciidocbuilder — no summary
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- ask-orex — ASK-Orex: Ordinary human-friendly Regular Expressions
- astromer — Creates light curves embeddings using ASTROMER
- async-cloud-tasks — Use Cloud Tasks to easily defer functions executions
- asyncio-pypes — Scalable async pipelines in Python, made easy
- asytest — Tiny async test framework for python
- atomic6ghg — Library of formulas, conversion factors and schemas for greenhouse gas calculations
- attn-gym — Helpful tools and examples for working with flex-attention
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- auldcommons — no summary
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- automua — Mail client autoconfiguration service
- autoscrum — AutoScrum
- autotech-sdk — Library for neccessary tools for autotech company
- AWholeS — A project to review the security posture in AWS
- backend-setuptool — backend setuptool for mahfooziiitian
- backstrip — backstrip adds color-coordinated fill behind matplotlib boxplots.
- bamread — Read bam files quickly into dataframes in Python
- basic-repo-template — Basic template of a python repository
- bayte — Bayesian target encoding with scikit-learn and scipy
- bbprepared — no summary
- bchmnn.poodle — Python Moodle SDK
- bd-vslot — A library of V-Slot linear rail components for build123d
- beam-postgres — Light IO transforms for Postgres read/write in Apache Beam pipelines.
- beanahead — Beancount extension for future transactions
- bedrock-systems — Bedrock helps you work with geotechnical data
- beebo — Batched Energy-Entropy acquistion for Bayesian optimization
- bentoudev.dataclass — Yaml to dataclass loader
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- bframelib — An open source billing framework to generate, view and diff invoices locally.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bigflow — BigQuery client wrapper with clean API
- bio_agptools — Tools for working with agp files
- bitssh — A New and Modern SSH connector written in Python.
- blacklist-checker — Check if a specific domain is in mail blaclist
- blitzml — A low-code library for machine learning pipelines
- blockdataapis — Reads blockchain data from apis gotten from exchanges, NFT Marketplaces, explorers etc
- bolna — no summary
- bomf — BO4E Migration Framework
- brdr — BRDR - a Python library to assist in realigning (multi-)polygons (OGC Simple Features) to reference borders
- break-video-to-frames — Break a video to it's frames.
- brendapy — Parsing BRENDA information.
- bring — A package manager for files.
- brrrData — A tool for handling Excel files and data processing.
- BSPEC — A python based Plugin, Entity Component System (ECS) architecture designed with Business Specifications in mind. This package allows you to easily set up and use existing systems and components.
- btor2-opt — Very basic btor2 parser, circuit miter, and code optimizer.