Reverse Dependencies of pint-xarray
The following projects have a declared dependency on pint-xarray:
- carpet-concentrations — Core tools for the development of greenhouse gas concentration input files (i.e. flying carpets).
- cfspopcon — Empirically-derived scoping of tokamak operational space.
- cmfd-handler — no summary
- cmip6-preprocessing — Analysis ready CMIP6 data the easy way
- crusty — A convinience python package for HPC computation, large dataset handling and plotting.
- datatoolbox — The Python Data Toolbox
- freva — Free Evaluation and Analysis Framework (Freva)
- gsw-xarray — Drop in wrapper for gsw which adds CF standard name and units attributes to xarray results
- h5rdmtoolbox — Supporting a FAIR Research Data lifecycle using Python and HDF5.
- HydroDataset — A Python package for downloading and reading hydrological datasets
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- mpolar — A package to parse and evaluate polar tables for marine navigation
- pangeo-fish — Utilities for fish geolocation
- primap2 — The next generation of the PRIMAP climate policy analysis suite.
- pyqsl — A Framework for parametrized sweeps aimed for quantum simulations.
- pyrams — no summary
- pysonde — Post-processing tool for atmospheric sounding data
- python-CIAM — An efficient Python implementation of the Coastal Impacts and Adaptation Model (CIAM)
- radas — Plasma radiated power calculated using OpenADAS
- satpy — Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
- seapopym — Seapodym is a Python package that provides models to simulate the dynamics of low and mid trophic level marine ecosystems.
- shipspy — processing of ship campaign data
- sisicepy — Python librairy to process Sismic data
- weldx — Python API for the WelDX file format and standard
- xmip — Analysis ready CMIP6 data the easy way
- zampy — python package for getting Land Surface Model input data.