Reverse Dependencies of PIMS
The following projects have a declared dependency on PIMS:
- agh-vqis — A Python wrapper for 18 image quality indicators.
- aind-large-scale-prediction — Generated from aind-library-template
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- bioimage — bioimage - library to make working with biomedical images more comfortable
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- dask-image — Distributed image processing
- databroker — Unification of NSLS-II data sources
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- fluidimage — Fluid image processing with Python.
- fret-ibra — FRET-IBRA is used to process fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) intensity data to produce ratiometric images for further analysis
- fsvpy — Streak identification and quantification for fluorescent streak velocimetry
- hcai-discover-utils — This repository contains utility functions and interfaces that can be used to interact with the DISCOVER framework.
- hcai-nova-utils — This repository contains utility functions and interfaces that can be used to interact with the NOVA annotation tool.
- htsimaging — High-Throughput Single-cell Imaging analysis.
- kso-utils — A package containing utility scripts for use with KSO analysis notebooks.
- looming-spots — looming experiment analysis
- miplib — A Python software library for (optical) microscopy image restoration, reconstruction and analysis.
- mmaction2 — OpenMMLab Video Understanding Toolbox and Benchmark
- multivitamin — Serving infrastructure for ML and CV models
- nanoqnt — Software for analysing the data generated with the nanoQNT device. It includes a practical GUI as well as a module that can be extended and used in custom scripts.
- napari-bioformats — Bioformats for napari, using pims
- napari-live-recording — A napari plugin for live video recording with a generic camera device.
- napari-pims-bioformats — PIMS bioformats plugin for napari
- nd2-extractor — A simple tool to extract ND2 files to Zarr, PNG, or TIFF
- nd2reader — A tool for reading ND2 files produced by NIS Elements
- Neurotorchmz — Neurotorch is a tool designed to extract regions of synaptic activity in neurons tagges with iGluSnFR, but is in general capable to find any kind of local brightness increase due to synaptic activity
- nima-io — A project to read microscopy files.
- nomad-camels — CAMELS is a configurable measurement software, targeted towards the requirements of experimental solid-state physics.
- otxmmaction2 — OpenMMLab Video Understanding Toolbox and Benchmark
- p-tree — A program for counting CFUs in petri dishes
- pharaglow — A toolset to analyze videos of foraging animals.
- pimsviewer — Viewer for Python IMage Sequence (PIMS).
- pyjacket — Lorem ipsum
- Qiber3D — Automated quantification of fibrous networks
- rainbow-optical-flow — Automated air liquid interface cell culture analysis using deep optical flow.
- sixtools — Software for performing resonant inelastic xray scattering analysis at NSLS-II
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- stytra — A modular package to control stimulation and track behavior experiments.
- track-tools — Collection of scripts and wrappers around trackpy.
- webknossos — Python API for working with WEBKNOSSOS datasets, annotations, and for WEBKNOSSOS server interaction.
- weldx — Python API for the WelDX file format and standard
- wfield — Utilities to look at widefield data and align with the allen reference map.
- zetastitcher — ZetaStitcher is a tool designed to stitch large volumetric images such as those produced by Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopes.
- zolfa-nd2reader — A tool for reading ND2 files produced by NIS Elements