Reverse Dependencies of pillow
The following projects have a declared dependency on pillow:
- 170051277-trab-final-gces — Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- 2D-cellular-automaton — A package to visualize elementary 2D cellular automata with multiple starting indicies
- 2xh-leet — Library of Eclectic Experiments by Tenchi
- 32blit — 32Blit asset preparation and upload tools
- 3DJCG-3Dvisual-question-answering — 3DJCG Models
- 3dRenderPy — This is an implementation of a ray tracer based on Jamis Buck's The Ray Tracer Challenge. It supports several primitives.
- 3lc — 3LC Python Package - A tool for model-guided, interactive data debugging and enhancements
- 58 — 抓58同城的电话号码
- 9gag-scraper — A simple 9GAG scraper
- a-cv-imwrite-imread-plus — Less trouble reading/writing images with OpenCV (from url/path/buffer/base64...)
- a-data-processing — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- a-pandas-ex-console-plot — Retro Pandas - Plotting back in 1985
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- a2ln — A way to display Android phone notifications on Linux
- a7n-global-cli — cli
- aa-gen — A simple ascii art generator
- aa-squads — Squads plugin app for Alliance Auth
- aaa1111 — An Api for Automatic1111
- aac-processors — Process and convert between different AAC file formats
- aadhaar-py — Extract embedded information from Aadhaar Secure QR Code.
- aai-engine — Ad Astra Industries RPA engine
- aamp-app — AAMP App
- aamutils — Collection of atom-atom-mapping utility functions.
- aardwolf — Asynchronous RDP protocol implementation
- aardwolfgui — GUI for aardwolf RD/VNC client
- aartfaac-arthur — AARTFAAC visualisation utilities
- aau-label — A image labeling handler
- ab-data-processing — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- ab-testing-kit — Useful functions for A/B testing and data exploration
- ab12phylo — Integrated pipeline for ML phylogenetic inference from ABI trace and FASTA data
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- abacura — Multi-session MUD client written in Python with Textual library
- abacura-kallisti — Abacura extensions for Legends of Kallisti
- abatools — Utility for working with Android boot animations
- Abava-SDK — abavaSDK
- abayestest — no summary
- abbts-blp — abbts_blp
- abc-thulasi — A simple image format converter using Pillow
- AbdomenAtlas — A package for 3D medical image segmentation using deep learning techniques.
- abdutils — A bag of utility functions.
- abejacli — ABEJA Platform Command line tool
- Abigale2 — This project is inherited from the original [Abigale](, with the folloing improvements/changes:.
- abilian-core — A framework for enterprise applications (CRM, ERP, collaboration...).
- Abinde — Abinde is an easy-to-use python module for pygame.
- abk-bwp — Bing wallpaper wrapper
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- abraia — Abraia Python SDK
- abrain — NeuroEvolution in Python backed by C++ computations
- abril — A library for comparing text and images using CLIP
- absolutely-not-scikit-video — Video Processing in Python
- abstracttree — Abstract base classes for tree data structures
- ac_solver — no summary
- acapy-patched-old — no summary
- accelerator-physics — Sharing useful python functions for accelerator physics with the public
- accelerator-utils — Sharing useful python functions for accelerator physics with the public
- access-spotify — A package to get all album and track info for an artist by querying the Spotify API
- accessible-pygments — A collection of accessible pygments styles
- accessiontk — Tools to manage lists of accessions
- accessvis — 3D visualisation tools and utilities for earth systems data
- accounts-generator — Account Generator with Browser Automation
- aceui — 基于Selenium的UI自动化测试框架
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acia — The acia library provides utility functionality for analyzing 2D+t time-lapse image sequences in microfluidic live-cell imaging experiments.
- acid-vault — Python Password Vault
- acie — This project is an implementation of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to extract relevant information from an Aadhaar card.
- acme-weather — Add your description here
- acqpack — Library for instrument control and automated data acquisition
- acsaver — acfunsdk - AcSaver
- actfw-core — Core components of actfw, independent of specific devices
- actfw-gstreamer — actfw's additional components using GStreamer
- actfw-jetson — actfw's additional components for Jetson series
- active-time-scheduling — A collection of methods for Active Time Problem
- activity-4-entrega-Programacion-Ciencia-de-datos — A data analysis project for PEC4 UOC, Master Data Science
- acutils-python — Data processing library implemented by Acuzle.
- adachi-resource-assistant — A resource assistant for Adachi-BOT
- adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33 — CircuitPython library for HT16K33 LED matrices and segment displays.
- adafruit-circuitpython-is31fl3731 — CircuitPython library for IS31FL3731 charlieplex LED matrices.
- adafruit-circuitpython-is31fl3741 — CircuitPython library for IS31FL3741 RGB LED matrices.
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- adapters — A Unified Library for Parameter-Efficient and Modular Transfer Learning
- adbkit — Big automation package for ADB
- adbutils — Pure Python Adb Library
- adbutils_async — Python adb async library for adb service.
- adbwrapper — ADB Wrapper
- add-confidence-score-and-coordinates — A package for updating openai JSON response with confidence score and coordinates
- add-psd-layer — A CLI tool to add an image as a new layer to a PSD file
- add-return-None-to-init — Script to add None as return type to every __init__ in the codebase.
- AdDownloader — A cmd tool for downloading ads and their media content from the Meta Ad Library.
- addrmatcher — Australian Address Matcher to Regions
- adeso — Application for Decryption, Encryption and Steganographic Operations
- ADEval — Fast and Memory-efficient Routines for AUROC/AUPR/Pixel-AUPRO
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- admin-form-image-preivew — Sami Test Pip
- adsctl — Google Ads Control CLI and Prompt
- adversarial-attacks-white-black-box — Perform White-Box and Black-Box adversarial attacks on images.
- adversarial-examples — Create adversarial images that make a neural network misclassify them.
- adversarial-robustness-toolbox — Toolbox for adversarial machine learning.
- advimg — Advanced image processing with encryption, compression, and steganography.
- AdyanUtils — Special package