Reverse Dependencies of PIL
The following projects have a declared dependency on PIL:
- anicons — Anime icon creation tool!
- anifolds — Anime icon creation tool!
- anifolers — Anime icon creation tool!
- api-clone — An script for saving json data and results locally on your machine
- ASvid — A useful module for image to video converision
- bdsim — Simulate dynamic systems expressed in block diagram form using Python
- CONTROLE-DE-DESPESAS-PESSOAIS — controle de despesas pessoais
- dataform — DataForm: Data processing and transformation tool.
- eClinic — A LAN based electronic clinical management system
- egproject — A Python package to print
- gif-me-loader — A simple package for adding loading bars to GIFS
- god-ocr — OCR King
- jMonochrome — Make your photos black and white with jMonochrome !
- leap-labs-test — Leap Labs Universal Interpretability Engine
- lightai — no summary
- lsj2319-gescape — Plant flowers and scrubs in a relaxing virtual garden
- magpack — Tools for analysic 3D magnetic simulations and reconstructions
- metalex — MetaLex is tool for lexicographic and metalexicographic activities
- multi-lingual-storytelling-dall-e — The multi-lingual DALL-E for story visualization model as described in 'Mudrik, N., Charles, A., “Multi-Lingual DALL-E Storytime”. Arxiv. (2022).'
- Pigeon-Game-Engine — Game Engine for Python called "Pigeon Game Engine"
- pramanpatram — A Python Library to generate event certificates
- pyecharts — Python options, make charting easier
- pyecharts-retrievableTitle — Python options, make charting easier
- pyecharts35 — Python options, make charting easier
- pyechartsWithTitleRetrievable — Python options, make charting easier
- PyExfil — A Python package for data exfiltration.
- PyplotAnnotation — Quickly draw segmentation dataset
- PySerialization — Set of classes allowing easy serialization of simple and composite types
- PyUPC-EAN — A barcode library/module for python.
- resizingNtoPNGconvt-daun — Test package for distribution
- robotframework-selenium2screenshots — Robot Framework keyword library for capturing annotated screenshots with Selenium2Library
- robotframework-seleniumscreenshots — Robot Framework keyword library for capturing annotated screenshots with SeleniumLibrary
- RRFI — A brief description of your project
- screenshot2code — Convert your code screenshot into textual code
- selfpy — pyecharts title retrievable
- SUN-01 — no summary
- svstojpg — Here is an early file processing tool that uses deep learning methods to analyze pathological sections. Its specific function is to divide a larger SVS file (about several GB) into smaller JPG files, providing the material needed for deep learning. The project is still under development.
- tkmilan — tkinter's evil twin
- Tomation — Automation library for small or big tasks.
- xbee-image-transfer — no summary