Reverse Dependencies of phenopackets
The following projects have a declared dependency on phenopackets:
- c2s2-standard — Consensus clustering for a number of individuals with HPO terms or phenopackets.
- ga4gh-phenopacket-core — Python convenience wrappers for Phenopacket Schema
- genophenocorr — Search for genotype-phenotype correlations with GA4GH phenopackets
- gpsea — Discover genotype-phenotype correlations with GA4GH phenopackets
- phenopacket-store-toolkit — Collection of GA4GH Phenopackets
- phenotype2phenopacket — no summary
- pheval — no summary
- pheval-exomiser — no summary
- pheval-lirical — no summary
- pyphetools — Generate and work with GA4GH phenopackets