Reverse Dependencies of pex
The following projects have a declared dependency on pex:
- caasm-adapter-sdk — 未岚科技CAASM平台适配器SDK
- cluster-pack — A library on top of either pex or conda-packto make your Python code easily available on a cluster
- dagster-cloud — no summary
- daml-dit-ddit — Daml Hub DIT File Tool
- desert — Deserialize to objects while staying DRY
- docker-devbox-ddb — ddb - Erase environment differences, make developers happy !
- elastic-blast — ElasticBLAST runs BLAST searches faster by distributing its work to multiple cloud instances. This allows larger numbers of queries to be searched in less time compared to BLAST+ on a single host. Use of the cloud facilitates collaboration, sharing of results, datasets and pipelines on a common platform. The National Center for Biotechnology Information ([NCBI](, part of the National Library of Medicine at the NIH, developed and maintains ElasticBLAST.
- kraken-build — no summary
- kraken-cli — no summary
- lambdex — Lambdex turns pex files into aws lambda python functions.
- logtailor — Log tail and filter tool.
- lxm3 — LXM3: XManager launch backend for HPC clusters
- mario-addons — More commands for Mario.
- middlefield — Middlefield: A multifunctional tool.
- paketoi — Build AWS Lambda deployment packages (zip files) for Python projects
- pantsbuild.pants.contrib.mypy — MyPy static type analyzer
- pantsbuild.pants.contrib.python.checks — Additional python lints and checks.
- pipenv-pex — Generate Python executable files via PEX using info from Pipfile
- python-cdf — A framework to manage data continuously
- rst2sh5 — Docutils writer outputting semantic HTML5
- singer-alto — A package for managing taps and targets
- smoke_test — Console app and Python API for automated smoke testing
- sprinter — a utility library to help environment bootstrapping scripts
- subaligner — Automatically synchronize and translate subtitles, or create new ones by transcribing, using pre-trained DNNs, Forced Alignments and Transformers.
- tecton — Tecton Python SDK
- toolmaker — Make single-file builds of Python tools using zapp, shiv, or pex
- twitter.common.python — Twitter's Python packaging toolchain.