Reverse Dependencies of periodictable
The following projects have a declared dependency on periodictable:
- aiida-orca — AiiDA-Orca plugin
- APAV — A Python library for Atom Probe Tomography analysis
- AqEquil — Python tools for aqueous chemical speciation.
- astrochem-ml — Cheminformatics tools for astrochemistry
- astromol — A Database of Molecules Detected in Space
- atomicdataMB — Atomic data procedures for nexoclom and general use
- carpy — Consolidated aircraft recipes in Python.
- ccinput — Computational Chemistry Input Generator
- cclib — parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry
- crip — CT Recon in Python is an All-in-one toolkit for CT Data IO, Pre/Post-process, Physics, Dual Energy, Low Dose and everything.
- digichem-core — Open-source library for Digichem core components
- earthchem — Data slurper for getting stuff from Earthchem services
- easycrystallography — Crystallography in EasyScience
- elastool — Elastic tool for zero and finite-temperature elastic constants and mechanical properties calculations
- epmatools — Tools to manipulate EPMA analyses
- equilibrator-assets — Generate cache assets from MetaNetX content.
- equilibrator-cheminfo — Light adapter classes around Open Babel, RDKit, and ChemAxon for the functionality needed in eQulibrator.
- exfor-tools — A lightweight interface to grab and organize differential cross sections from EXFOR, using the x4i3 library.
- EZFF — Multiobjective forcefield optimization for Molecular Dynamics
- fabsfit — Fitting absorptive scattering factors
- fbpic — Spectral, quasi-3D Particle-In-Cell for CPU and GPU
- firecode — Computational chemistry general purpose ensemble optimizer and transition state builder
- gaussianutility — Useful utilities to use Gaussian09/16 software
- geometallurgy — Tools for the geometallurgist
- glycosylator — A Python framework for the rapid modeling of glycans
- grsq — Structure factor and X-ray scattering from radial distribution functions
- HOGBEN — Holistic Optimization for Generating Better Experimental Neutrons - a package for optimzing neutron experiments using the Fisher information
- hwaves — Compute and plot hydrogenic wavefunctions
- ImagingReso — tool for resonance neutron imaging
- InDiCA — INtegrated DIagnostiC Analysis
- macromol-gym — Macromolecular training sets that emphasize protein/non-protein interactions.
- mass-composition — For managing multi-dimensional mass-composition datasets, supporting weighted mathematical operations and visualisation.
- mess-jax — MESS: Modern Electronic Structure Simulations
- model2sas — Small angle scattering simulation from 3D models
- molgroups — Molecular Modeling for Scattering Data Analysis
- nexoclom — Neutral EXosphere and CLoud Model
- pcdscalc — PCDS Calculation Routines
- periodicencryption — Allows you to encrypt and decrypt messages by the mean of Vigenere Cipher and Periodic Table of Elements
- phaseshifts — Python-based version of the Barbieri/Van Hove phase shift calculation package for LEED/XPD modelling
- polyatomic-complexes — no summary
- prepper — Allows python objects to be stored and loaded from an HDF5 file in a language-agnostic manner
- pygrpm — Medical physics library containing many utilty functions
- pymolresponse — Molecular frequency-dependent response properties for arbitrary operators
- pypxr — A collection of utilities for reducing data and modeling Polarized Resonant Soft X-ray Reflectivity.
- pyrolite — Tools for geochemical data analysis.
- pyspectools — A set of Python tools/routines for spectroscopy
- qc2champ — qc2champ: Convert a quantum chmical output file to a CHAMP input file.
- QMCblip — A small package to couple Quantum Monte Carlo codes to Machine Learning Force Fields through ASE.
- refl1d — 1-D reflectometry modeling
- refnx — Neutron and X-ray Reflectometry Analysis
- rgmol — Visualization and computation of various chemical properties from DFT softwares. Its main purpose is to compute and visualize the condensed and non-condensed linear response function from CDFT.
- sasavg — rotational averaging of SasView scattering data
- smatool — "SMATool - Automated toolkit for computing zero and finite-temperature strength of materials",
- tscode — Computational chemistry general purpose transition state builder and ensemble optimizer
- xenon-fuse — XENON Framework for Unified Simulations of Events
- XFNTR — A software that analyzes xfntr data
- xfntr-win — A software that analyzes xfntr data
- xfntrwin — A software that analyzes xfntr data