Reverse Dependencies of pdbpp
The following projects have a declared dependency on pdbpp:
- ade-cli — Agile Development Environment
- adhan-pi — no summary
- adios4dolfinx — Checkpointing functionality for DOLFINx meshes/functions with ADIOS2
- admin-extra-urls — Django mixin to easily add urls to any ModelAdmin
- agiocli — A command line interface to
- alt-side-parking — no summary
- ap-features — Package to compute features of traces from action potential models
- ape-apeman — Top-level package for ape-apeman.
- apiqa-storage — Apiqa user storage backend for django projects
- app-model — Generic application schema implemented in python
- askastro — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- auto-intersphinx — Automatic links direct project dependencies to the intersphinx catalog
- bacore — BACore is a framework for business analysis and test automation.
- baikalctl — Top-level package for baikalctl.
- baserow — A python client for interacting with baserow API
- bda.plone.prometheusexporter — Prometheus Exporter for Plone and Zope
- beppu — Enum based asyncio synchronization event wrapper
- biomcp — MCP servers for bioinformatics
- blackline-core — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blackline-mysql — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blackline-postgres — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blik — Python tool for visualising and interacting with cryo-ET and subtomogram averaging data.
- bre-next — Business Rules Engine Core
- buvar — Asyncio plugins, components, dependency injection and configs
- buvar-aiohttp — aiohttp plugin for buvar
- cardiac-geometries — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometries-core — Gmsh files for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometriesx — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-mps — Tools for working with caridac mps files
- careamics-portfolio — A helper package to download example datasets used in various publications and deep-learning algorithms, including data featured in N2V, P(P)N2V, DivNoising, HDN, EmbedSeg, etc.
- cdiscountapi — cdiscountapi is a wrapper around the Cdiscount Marketplace API
- chamber-backup-diff — Top-level package for chamber-backup-diff.
- clang-format-docs — Run `clang-format` on C++ code blocks in documentation files
- clapper — Configuration Support for Python Packages and CLIs
- clearly — Clearly see and debug your celery cluster in real time!
- click-groups — Enable grouping and ordering of commands.
- clinical-zeroshot-labeler — A MEDS PyTorch Dataset, leveraging a on-the-fly retrieval strategy for flexible, efficient data loading.
- cmap — Scientific colormaps for python, without dependencies
- collective.elastic.ingest — Ingestion service queue runner between Plone RestAPI and ElasticSearch or OpenSearch.
- collective.elastic.plone — Plone Search Integration: Addon to index content in Open-/ElasticSearch
- collective.ttwpo — Manage your PO Translation Files TTW and Sync with Translationservices
- community-profiler — Github community profiler
- controlflow — A framework for building agentic LLM workflows
- covimerage — Generate coverage information for Vim scripts.
- cptree — Top-level package for cptree.
- cryptoyaml3 — A python library to manage encrypted YAML files.
- cs2star — A simple utility to convert cryosparc particle positions to relion star format.
- dacapo-ml — Framework for deployment of volumetric machine learning models, and easy composition of training jobs.
- daisybell — A scanner that will scan your AI models for problems. Currently it focuses on bias testing. It is currently alpha.
- dataclass-compat — Utilities for providing compatibility with many dataclass-like libraries
- datatour — Seeing is important. `datatour` - allows you to see your data in it's native dimension. Currently implemented as a `plotly` scatter plot projected from it's original dimension in the 2D on the screen with timeline animation inspired by GrandTour and common sense.
- db-testtools — no summary
- dbcut — Extract a lightweight subset of your relational production database for development and testing purpose.
- decker — Simple development tool that simplifies a pythonist's daily tasks.
- Deep-floorplan — Deep FloorPlan
- dejankify — A tool to help you find and remove unused imports in your python project.
- dev-aa-test-1 — A Hy library that provides a Lispy functional interface by wrapping Python's popular data libraries, such as Pandas and Matplotlib.
- dict8 — traverse nested dicts and deal with it
- django-admin-extra-urls — Django mixin to easily add urls to any ModelAdmin
- django-adminactions — Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
- django-adminactions-ptbr — Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
- django-crashlog — Django Database Exception Logger
- django-extra-checks — Collection of useful checks for Django Checks Framework
- docker_credential_chamber — docker_credential_chamber
- dockerfixtures — Cointainers as Pytest fixtures made easy
- docs-versions-menu — A versions menu for Sphinx-based documentation
- doctr-versions-menu — Sphinx extension and command to add a versions menu to Doctr-deployed documentation
- dolfin-adjoint — High-level automatic differentiation library for FEniCS
- drf-api-checker — no summary
- drug-database — Tool for getting scaling factors from different drugs
- edutap.wallet-google — Library for Google Wallet Communication
- efficientv2-unet — A U-Net implementation of the EfficientNetV2.
- envfiles — Simple layered loading of env files
- envrun — Run a command with dynamically-sourced environment variables.
- esmerald — Highly scalable, performant, easy to learn, easy to code and for every application.
- ev-fleet-sim — This software computes the electrical energy requirements of a fleet of vehicles. It also determines how much of this energy can be offset by renewable energy.
- extra-pydantic — Parametrized Generic support for pydantic
- fastmcp — A more ergonomic interface for MCP servers
- fenics-beat — Library to run cardiac EP simulations
- fenics-pulse — A python library based on FEniCS that aims to solve problems in continuum mechanics, in particular cardiac mechanics
- fenics-pulse2 — Cardiac Mechanics simulator
- fenicsx-ldrb — Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-based algorithm for assigning myocardial fiber orientations.
- fenicsx-plotly — Lightweight library for plotting FEniCS x objects using plotly
- fenicsx-pulse — Next generation cardiac mechanics solver based on FEniCSx
- fidder — U-Net for 2D fiducial segmentation in cryo-EM
- fieldz — Utilities for providing compatibility with many dataclass-like libraries
- fireball — todo
- fonticon-fontawesome6 — FontAwesome 6 extension for superqt font icons
- fonticon-materialdesignicons6 — Material Design Icons extension for superqt font icons
- fonticon-materialdesignicons7 — Material Design Icons 7 extension for superqt font icons
- fpbase — Python wrapper for FPBase API
- fractal-faim-ipa — Provides Fractal tasks for the MD to OME-Zarr conversion of faim-ipa
- fractal-tree — Create a fractal tree over a surface discretized by triangles
- fuzzyfinder — Fuzzy Finder implemented in Python.
- garm-rate-limiter — Rate Limiter for Flask
- github_release_tool — Top-level package for github-release-tool.
- gotran — A declarative language describing ordinary differential equations.
- gotranx — A declarative language describing ordinary differential equations
- gpt-blazing — todo
- grafiti — Automatic graph-based dependency resolution