Reverse Dependencies of patsy
The following projects have a declared dependency on patsy:
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- agentp — Associating Gene Expression to Neuroimaging Traits Pipeline (AGENT-P)
- ale-uy — Tool to perform data cleaning, modeling and visualization in a simple way.
- alpaca-eval — AlpacaEval : An Automatic Evaluator of Instruction-following Models
- altena — Feature extraction for categorical variables
- AlzPy — A library for data processing and analysis.
- ames-model — Trained regression model for the ames dataset
- anchors — Python package for calculating scores from ancnchor or modifier screens
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- aolab-bmi3d — electrophysiology experimental rig library
- aplusml — Conduct usefulness simulations of ML models embedded in workflows
- appelpy — Applied Econometrics Library for Python
- AssayingAnomalies — This library is a Python implementation of the MATLAB Toolkit that accompanies Novy-Marx and Velikov (2023) and is to be used for empirical academic asset pricing research, particularly focused on studying anomalies in the cross-section of stock returns.
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- autoneuro-pypi — Template python package
- azuremlftk — "Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Forecasting Toolkit"
- balance — balance is a Python package offering a simple workflow and methods for dealing with biased data samples when looking to infer from them to some target population of interest.
- batchglm — Fast and scalable fitting of over-determined generalized-linear models (GLMs)
- birdman — Framework for differential microbiome abundance using Bayesian inference
- blip-alpha — A bayesian pipeline for detecting stochastic backgrounds with LISA.
- blip-gw — A bayesian pipeline for detecting stochastic backgrounds with LISA.
- bmi3d — electrophysiology experimental rig library
- bss — BrainSuite statistics toolbox
- burnt-ends — A Python package containing modular, well-tested, utility and statistical functions handy for scientific computing and analysis.
- capexplain — Cape - a system for explaining outliers in aggregation results through counterbalancing.
- category-encoders — A package for encoding categorical variables for machine learning
- category-encoders-dev — A collection sklearn transformers to encode categorical variables as numeric
- causal-curve — A python library with tools to perform causal inference using observational data when the treatment of interest is continuous.
- causalipy — Causal Methods Implemented in Python
- causality — Tools for causal inference
- CausalPy — Causal inference for quasi-experiments in Python
- chainladder — Chainladder Package - P&C Loss Reserving package
- choicemodels — Tools for discrete choice estimation
- collinearity-tool — Identify multicollinearity issues by correlation, VIF, and visualizations.
- ComBat — pyComBat, a Python tool for batch effects correction in high-throughput molecular data using empirical Bayes methods
- crispr-chronos — Time series modeling of CRISPR perturbation readcounts in biological data
- custom-bench — This is a simple benchmarking library for Python3 designed to be easy to understand and use.
- custom-bench-fsr — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- cvrmap — CVRmap is an opensource software to compute maps of Cerebro-Vascular Reactivity
- databricks-runtime-python-env — Python dependencies installed on Databricks Runtimes
- de-toolkit — Suite of tools for working with count data
- decneo — Comberons from single cell transcriptomics in endothelial cells
- deeplabcutcore — Headless DeepLabCut
- designer2 — designerV2
- diapysef — Analysis, conversion and visualization of diaPASEF data.
- diffxpy — Fast and scalable differential expression analysis on single-cell RNA-seq data
- dpkits — A small package for data processing
- drrank — Implement the Empirical Bayes ranking scheme developed in Kline, Rose, and Walters (2023)
- dsu — no summary
- dynamo-release — Mapping Vector Field of Single Cells
- ecoform-alvin — Economic models
- econometricMethodsESAN — Economic models
- eeg-emotion-recognition — no summary
- ergodicity — A Python library for ergodicity economics and time-average analysis.
- estyp — Extended Statistical Toolkit Yet Practical
- EtaML — An automated machine learning platform with a focus on explainability
- fastats — A pure Python library for benchmarked, scalable numerics using numba
- fdasrsf — functional data analysis using the square root slope framework
- feature-clock — Feature Clock, provides visualizations that eliminate the need for multiple plots to inspect the influence of original variables in the latent space. Feature Clock enhances the explainability and compactness of visualizations of embedded data.
- fightchurn — Code from the book Fighting Churn With Data
- finance-byu — Classes and functions for FIN 585 and finance research at Brigham Young University
- fitgrid — Mass multiple regression manager
- forecasting-sandbox — Experimentations in Time Series forecasting
- forestatrisk — Modelling and forecasting deforestation in the tropics
- forward — Tool for gene-based phenomic experiments using cohorts.
- frat-brain — Application for ROI fMRI data analysis.
- fullscript.spellbook — A simple package to make your life easier.
- fundamentals-of-data-science — Companion Python package for Fundamentals of Data Science.
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- genestboost — General boosting framework for any regression estimator
- GenExpA — Comprehensive tool based on the new workflow for qPCR data analysis
- GeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- ggplot — ggplot for python
- Gilly-Utilities — A data analysis package built upon Numpy, SciPy and Pandas
- gluefix — no summary
- goodstats — Statistics models and tests that return 'tidy' classes
- graphpype — Graph analysis for neuropycon (using nipype, and ephypype); based on previous packages dmgraphanalysis and then dmgraphanalysis_nodes and graphpype
- greykite — A python package for flexible forecasting
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- imgMS — Package for data reduction of LA-ICP-MS data.
- ImputeHiFI — no summary
- imputetspy — Re-written R package "imputeTS" in python code with some other imputation in time series method
- industryts — Python library that provides functions to manipulate time series collected from industrial contexts
- iris-hector-patino — IRIS MODEL ROTE
- JacksonQuery — Automated interaction and data extraction tool for Jackson National Life Insurance website
- jupyter-quant — Jupyter quant research environment.
- kailin — KAILINss - TOGGLE(KAILIN): Single Cell Fate Tracing tools
- kbackground — no summary
- kepler-apertures — Tools to compute PRF models from Kepler's FFI and use them to do aperture photometry and compile light curves of the EXBA masks.
- kvaser — Various utility functions.
- lightkurve — A friendly package for Kepler & TESS time series analysis in Python.
- LittleSnowFox — KAILINss - TOGGLE(KAILIN): Single Cell Fate Tracing tools
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- marginaleffects — Predictions, counterfactual comparisons, slopes, and hypothesis tests for statistical models.
- mcglm — Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models
- mgoelAuto — Template python package