Reverse Dependencies of pathos
The following projects have a declared dependency on pathos:
- acids-msprior — MSPRIOR: A multiscale prior model for realtime temporal learning
- adlib — Game-theoretic adversarial machine learning library providing a set of learner and adversary modules.
- aepsych — Adaptive experimetation for psychophysics
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aliby — Process and analyse live-cell imaging data
- aliby-post — Post-processing tools for aliby pipeline.
- apollinaire — Module for helio- and asteroseismic data analysis
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- artifax — python package for building artifacts from a computational graph
- arus — Activity Recognition with Ubiquitous Sensing
- attractors — Simulation and visualization of strange attractors
- aucmedi — AUCMEDI - a framework for Automated Classification of Medical Images
- auto_ml — Automated machine learning for production and analytics
- automl — Automated machine learning for production and analytics
- axa-fr-ocr — AXA France OCR library
- bamboo-lib — Python ETL library
- based-metric — BASED metric for deblurring assesement
- batframes — 可以配置将多个可执行文件和内部命令串接成一个完整命令执行的框架工具。(命令支持 多个option选项)
- bcrpy — An API client for the extraction, query, and analysis of the BCRPData database from the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).
- beedumper — Exporting SupportBee data for better integration with other ticketing tools
- beluga — A general purpose indirect trajectory optimization framework.
- benchbuild — This is the experiment driver for the benchbuild study
- BGP-Forecast-Modules — BGP Forecast Project.
- bigfeta — global alignment of features between images
- blackopt — black box optimization library
- bnpm — A library of useful modules for data analysis.
- bootstrap-stat — Bootstrap method for standard errors, confidence intervals, and more!
- brainless — Automated Machine Learning for production and analytics
- bridge-sim — A Python library for concrete slab bridge simulation
- bulldog — State management for Data Science & Analytics
- cadCAD — cadCAD: a differential games based simulation software package for research, validation, and Computer Aided Design of economic systems
- cadCAD-tweaked — cadCAD: tweaked version
- CADET-Process — A Framework for Modelling and Optimizing Advanced Chromatographic Processes
- cajal — A library for multi-modal cell morphology analyses using Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance.
- causalml — Python Package for Uplift Modeling and Causal Inference with Machine Learning Algorithms
- causalnex — Toolkit for causal reasoning (Bayesian Networks / Inference)
- celib — celib
- cellseg-gsontools — Toolbelt for merging and extracting features from geojson masks.
- cellseg-models.pytorch — Python library for 2D cell/nuclei instance segmentation models written with PyTorch.
- cerebra — finds mutants in your scRNA-seq experiment
- chencrafts — A personal toolbox for superconducting qubits and quantum mechanics.
- cheope — CHEOPE: studying transiting exoplanets
- chess-hic — Quantitative comparison and automatic feature extraction for chromatin contact data.
- circtools — circtools - a circular RNA toolbox
- climada — CLIMADA in Python
- cloud-files — Fast access to cloud storage and local FS.
- cloud-volume — A serverless client for reading and writing Neuroglancer Precomputed volumes both locally and on cloud services.
- cloudq — A cloud storage-based meta scheduler.
- clusterops — Paper - Pytorch
- cobamp — cobamp - pathway analysis methods for genome-scale metabolic models
- cocos — Core Computational System
- CodeEntropy — CodeEntropy tool with POSEIDON code integrated to form a complete and generally applicable set of tools for computing entropy of macromolecular systems from the forces sampled in a MD simulation.
- conaction — Efficient implmenetations of instantiations of the Trinity of Covariation.
- configurun — Cross-platform user-interface tools to create and manage (machine learning) configurations and run them automatically and remotely.
- cosmic-profiles — Implements 3D point cloud algorithms for estimation and fitting of shape and density profiles
- covid-shared — Shared utilities for the covid model pipeline.
- cranial-modeling — Standard model interface, where "model" means any stateless or stateful transformation of data & scripts for deploying Models as services.
- dapper — DAPPER benchmarks the performance of data assimilation (DA) methods.
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- data-harvesting — Set of tools to harvest, process and uplift (meta)data from metadata providers within the Helmholtz association to be included in the Helmholtz Knowledge Graph (Helmholtz-KG).
- datalabs — Datalabs
- datawidgets — Widgets to explore data
- dave — A command line utility that runs your command line scripts from a yaml script
- deeplake — Activeloop Deep Lake
- deepnlpf — A Framework for Integrating Linguistic Analysis and Semantic Annotation of Text Documents.
- deluca — no summary
- DFTrans — 用于批量处理excel、sql数据库表、jsonl、csv等数据源的文件,并输出到数据库表或这excel文件
- dga — A simple discrete genetic algorithm.
- dgpsi — Deep and Linked Gaussian Process Emulations using Stochastic Imputation
- dicomsorter — Python library for sorting DICOM images
- diffusion-modeler — A package for modelling diffusion processes.
- dragg — no summary
- dragg-comp — no summary
- Draugr — A package for plotting directly in your terminal
- dwoht — a personal used codebase for some common data processing tasks.
- dynlab — A package for dynamical systems analysis
- easy-parallel — Parallel wrapper for easy multi-threading.
- easy-parallel-py3 — Parallel wrapper for easy multi-threading (Python 3 version).
- easyfinemap — user-friendly pipeline for GWAS fine-mapping.
- eepackages — A set of utilities built on top of Google Earth Engine (migrated from JavaScript)
- EMD-signal — Implementation of the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and its variations
- emora-stdm — Library for creating state-machine-based chatbots.
- enb — Experiment NoteBook (enb): efficient and reproducible science.
- enhanceezqq — 用于对ezqq模块增强功能,能够获取历史数据保存到数据库,并从数据库读取历史数据
- era5cli — A command line interface to download ERA5 data from the Copernicus Climate Data Store.
- escher-cli — A command line utility that runs your command line scripts from a yaml script
- EtaML — An automated machine learning platform with a focus on explainability
- everyvoice — Text-to-Speech Synthesis for the Speech Generation for Indigenous Language Education Small Teams Project
- EXgen — Exercise and Exam generating library for electrical engineering.
- f3dasm — f3dasm - Framework for Data-driven Development and Analysis of Structures and Materials
- Fabric39 — Fabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment (py2.7/py3.4+ compatible fork).
- facenet-sandberg — Face recognition using TensorFlow
- fairdo — Fairness-Agnostic Data Optimization
- falkordb-bulk-loader — falkordb Bulk Import Tool
- FalseColor — Methods for H&E pseudo coloring of grayscale fluorescent images
- famews — FAMEWS: A Fairness Auditing tool for Medical Early-Warning Systems
- FastMF — FastMF is a python package for microstructural property characterization using deep learning based on diffusion MRI data.
- fastpf — Performance-first Power Flow implemented in Python with AOT Compilation
- findatapy — Market data library
- finml-utils — no summary