Reverse Dependencies of pathier
The following projects have a declared dependency on pathier:
- argshell — Integrates the argparse and cmd modules.
- bandripper — Rip mp3s from bandcamp.
- dataBased — Wrapper for the standard library Sqlite3 module to make setting up and using a database quicker and easier.
- dupechecker — Check for and delete duplicate files from the command line.
- gitbetter — Custom git shell to type less and commit more.
- gruel — Another scraping framework
- hassle — Create, build, test, and publish Python projects and packages.
- homecloud — A command line tool for generating the template files needed to integrate fastapi, uvicorn, and a requests based client into a Python project.
- loggi — logger boilerplate with dataclass models for parsing
- morbin — Base class for creating modules that are bindings for command line tools.
- packageLister — Determine what 3rd-party packages a project imports.
- scriptcheck — Print a list of scripts from your Python Scripts folder for when you're like me and can't remember what you've installed or what a tool is called.
- seating — Sort the order of class functions and properties
- tomfoolery — CLI to generate Python dataclasses that model and load toml files (or other can-representated-as-a-dict files)