Reverse Dependencies of Paste
The following projects have a declared dependency on Paste:
- aalam-common — Aalam Common module
- anchor — Webservice to auto-sign certificates for short amount of time
- ask-lang — Ask is a modern open-source transpiled programming language, designed for building backend services and APIs. Ask reduces the amount of needed boilerplate code for setting up things like database connections and authentication to virtually zero lines.
- autotwin_pmswsgi — Process Mining Service WSGI for Auto-Twin
- barbican — OpenStack Secure Key Management
- BlazeWeb — A light weight WSGI framework with a pluggable architecture
- briefkasten — a reasonably secure web application for submitting content anonymously
- callue — A webserver preprocessor of sorts
- cinder — OpenStack Block Storage
- cnx-publishing — Application for accepting publication requests to the Connexions Archive.
- cygrpc — gRPC Micro framework
- dataflake.wsgi.bjoern — PasteDeploy entry point for the bjoern WSGI server
- dataflake.wsgi.cheroot — PasteDeploy entry point for the cheroot WSGI server
- deployrecipes — Buildout recipes for PasteDeploy
- designate — DNS as a Service
- django-pastedeploy-settings — Conversion of Paste Deployment configuration to Django settings
- dploy-kickstart — Expose your functions as HTTP endpoints.
- dryxPyramid — basic, reusable code for pyramid webapps
- dylunatj — A simple wsgi web framework
- EasyWidgets — A minimalistic approach to HTML generation and validation with TurboGears
- ec2-api — OpenStack Ec2api Service
- experiment-manager — The SoftFIRE Experimenter Manager
- falcano — Falcano
- fish-prode — A FISH probe design web interface.
- freezer-api — OpenStack Backup and Restore API Service
- galaxy-tool-shed — Galaxy auth framework and implementations
- galaxy-web-apps — Galaxy web apps
- galaxy-web-framework — Galaxy web framework
- gateway_manager — Manage your api gateway and lambda functions with ease.
- gce-api — OpenStack Gceapi Service
- genaudit — GenAudit is a tool to fact-check text, especially AI-generated text against reference documents.
- glance — OpenStack Image Service
- glare — OpenStack Artifact Service
- gnocchi — Metric as a Service
- gyan — Machine Learning Infrastructure on Openstack
- IronManFly — REST API Frame for wanda machine learning service, made easy.
- karbor — Application Data Protection as a Service for OpenStack
- kingbird — Kingbird is a centralised synchronization service for multi-region OpenStack deployments.
- kube_shields — kube shields flask frontend.
- leap.soledad — Synchronization of locally encrypted data among devices.
- loggerhead — Loggerhead is a web viewer for projects in bazaar
- magnetodb — MagnetoDB is key-value database service for OpenStack cloud
- manila — Shared Storage for OpenStack
- minreal — A Python comet server build on CSP (Comet Session Protocol) and providing a TCP socket proxy.
- mnemo — Notebook and assistant.
- MOAI-iplweb — MOAI, A Open Access Server Platform for Institutional Repositories
- monasca-api — OpenStack Monitoring as a Service
- monasca-events-api — Monasca API for events
- monasca-log-api — Monasca API for sending log entries
- murano — Murano API
- neutron — OpenStack Networking
- nodepool — Node pool management for a distributed test infrastructure
- novajoin — Nova integration to enroll IPA clients
- nozama-cloudsearch — A REST service which emulates Amazon CloudSearch for local testing.
- nti.wsgi.cors — Support for CORS in a WSGI environment
- openstack-congress — Congress: The open policy framework for the cloud.
- opentf-toolkit — OpenTestFactory Orchestrator Toolkit
- opentf-toolkit-nightly — OpenTestFactory Orchestrator Toolkit
- optidata-core — Paquete de Python para OptiData
- os-vm-expire — Manage VM expiration and deletion
- oslo.service — oslo.service library
- panko — Event storage publisher and API for Ceilometer
- PasteDeploy — Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
- PasteScript — A pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts
- phoopy-http — Http library for phoopy framework
- — Debug toolbar for Plone
- plone.recipe.zope2instance — Buildout recipe for creating a Zope instance
- policyserver — Policy Server is a policy engine is written in python inspired by OPA
- private-pypi-core — A private PyPI server powered by flexible backends.
- pulsar-app — Distributed job execution application built for Galaxy (
- pulsar-galaxy-lib — Distributed job execution application built for Galaxy (
- Pylons — Pylons Web Framework
- pypicloud — Private PyPI backed by S3
- pyramid-notebook — Embed IPython Notebook shell on your Pyramid website
- pyramid_okta — Bindings for the pyramid webframework and the Okta authorization system.
- pysaml2 — Python implementation of SAML Version 2 Standard
- pywharf-core — A private PyPI server powered by flexible backends.
- repopip — no summary
- searchlight — OpenStack Search Service
- sesamutils — Sesam microservice utils
- shellbot — A bot that is also a responsive shell
- showergel — Companion application for a Liquidsoap radio
- tacker — OpenStack NFV Orchestration
- techrec — A radio automation based on MPD
- terminalcast — Cast local videos to your chromecast
- toggl2pl — Python module and tool to simplify time entries export from Toggl into Project Laboratory
- topicexplorer — InPhO Topic Explorer
- tricircle — The Tricircle is to provide networking automation across Neutron in multi-region OpenStack deployments.
- trove — OpenStack DBaaS
- unif-sys-disc — A unified framework for system discovery
- WebCore — A powerful web development nanoframework so small it's not even a microframework.
- WebError — Web Error handling and exception catching
- WebPy-GraphQL — Adds GraphQL support to your WebPy application
- wordstream — word streamer; conversational and dissociatively play with text with a command line and web interface
- xsendfile — X-Sendfile implementation in Python/WSGI
- ynm3k — no summary
- z3c.evalexception — Debugging middlewares for zope.publisher-based web applications
- zerobin — A client side encrypted pastebin
- zerocache — A dead-simple, zeroconf-based expansion of 'cachetools' TLRUCache, with multi-region redundancy
- Zope — Zope application server / web framework