Reverse Dependencies of parsl
The following projects have a declared dependency on parsl:
- amp-flow — DeepMD-kit integration with Parsl workflow tools to accelerate development of Deep Potentials
- coffea — Basic tools and wrappers for enabling not-too-alien syntax when running columnar Collider HEP analysis.
- colmena — colmena: Intelligent Steerable Pipelines on HPC
- cytotable — Transform CellProfiler and DeepProfiler data for processing image-based profiling readouts with Pycytominer and other Cytomining tools.
- distllm — Distributed Inference for Large Language Models.
- fnal-column-analysis-tools — Tools for doing Collider HEP style analysis with columnar operations at Fermilab
- globus-compute-endpoint — Globus Compute: High Performance Function Serving for Science
- lsst-ctrl-bps-parsl — Parsl-based plugin for lsst-ctrl-bps.
- mappertrac — Probabilistic tractography for high-performance computing
- mappgene — Genomic sequence analysis for high-performance computing
- molecular-simulations — A small package for building molecular systems using the AMBER force field and deploying OpenMM simulations on HPC clusters using Parsl.
- Operon — Dataflow pipeline development framework, powered by Parsl
- ParMan — Parman extends Python concurrent.futures to facilitate parallel workflows
- parsl-dag-vis — DAG visualization code to be run from Jupyter notebooks to visualize data flow dependency graphs of workflows
- qcfractalcompute — A distributed compute and database platform for quantum chemistry.
- quacc — A platform to enable high-throughput, database-driven quantum chemistry and computational materials science
- refitt — The Recommender Engine for Intelligent Transient Tracking.
- simbaDriver — SIMBA is a framework for performing multi-scale simulations in an HPC environment.
- wfgenes — Scientific workflow