Reverse Dependencies of parsimonious
The following projects have a declared dependency on parsimonious:
- aark-sdk — no summary
- aio-ipfabric — IP Fabric asyncio client
- airtablemock — Mock library for the airtable python client
- allennlp-semparse — A framework for building semantic parsers (including neural module networks) with AllenNLP, built by the authors of AllenNLP
- ape-farcaster — ape-farcaster is a Python SDK for the Farcaster Protocol
- bamboo-duck — no summary
- bcts-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- bctsag-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- BPTK-Py — A python simulation engine for System Dynamics & Agent based models
- business-rules2 — Python DSL for setting up business intelligence rules that can be configured without code
- candy-web — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- caproto — a sans-I/O implementation of the EPICS Channel Access protocol
- cfxdb — Database, based on zLMDB
- cl-ext.lang — .lang parser for compare-locales
- client_sdk_python — PlatON python SDK
- closer-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- cnx-publishing — Application for accepting publication requests to the Connexions Archive.
- cnx-query-grammar — Connexions project search query parsing library.
- cp2k-tools — CP2K tools & scripts
- cpc-abi — CPChain ABI Utils
- crossbar — multi-protocol (WAMP/WebSocket, REST/HTTP, MQTT) application router for microservices.
- crowbar-reference-compiler — the reference compiler for the Crowbar programming language
- curious — Graph-based data exploration tool
- cvapirisk — API Specification Analysis for Risks and Compliance
- dareyou — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- dashlang — Experimental markup language for creating rich dashboards using Dash
- dataql — ``dataql`` is for "Data Query Language". It allows to query data in a simple way.
- datawire-quark — Quark: an IDL for high level (micro)service interfaces
- datawire-quarkdev — Quark: an IDL for high level (micro)service interfaces
- deaduction — Graphical proof assistant for learning proofs
- dl2sparql — Description Logic Concept to SPARQL query
- eth-abi — eth_abi: Python utilities for working with Ethereum ABI definitions, especially encoding and decoding
- eth-abi-qtum — eth-abi-qtum: Python utilities for working with Ethereum ABI definitions, especially encoding and decoding
- eth-brownie — A Python framework for Ethereum smart contract deployment, testing and interaction.
- eth-wake — Wake is a Python-based Solidity development and testing framework with built-in vulnerability detectors.
- excel-text — Python implementation of Excel's `text` function
- farcaster — farcaster-py is a Python SDK for the Farcaster Protocol
- farcaster-py — Python bindings for Farcaster
- fibberio — no summary
- fryhcs — A python library to generate HTML, Javascript and CSS, based on fry file
- fryweb — A asgi/wsgi server that can generate HTML, Javascript and CSS, based on fry file
- funnel-rocket — Cloud native distributed funnel queries
- gasdfce — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- gemnify-sdk — gemnify sdk
- git3Client — Git3 Python client
- gitdraw — A simple tool for generating git graphs
- grammaropt — no summary
- heq — Yet another 'jq for HTML'
- htexpr — htexpr compiles an html string into a Python expression
- http-prompt — An interactive HTTP command-line client
- hummingsim — CoinAlpha Hummingsim
- hypertag-lang — Modern language for markup generation with Python-like concise syntax, custom tags & Django integration. HTML templates reinvented.
- imap-detach — A tool to automatically download attachments from IMAP mailbox
- impsparc — API Specification Analysis for Risks and Compliance
- indexnetwork-sdk — Index Network SDK
- ingreedypy — ingreedy-py parses recipe ingredient lines into a object
- irispie — Macroeconomic modeling package
- jsonschema-cn — Compact notation for JSON Schemas
- jubeatools — A toolbox for jubeat file formats
- keyvalues3 — Read and write Valve's KeyValues3 format
- kgdata — Library to process dumps of knowledge graphs (Wikipedia, DBpedia, Wikidata)
- kibana-ql — Package to parse Kibana Query Language (KQL) strings.
- kleenexp — Modern regex syntax with a painless upgrade path
- kusto-pandas — A wrapper around a Pandas DataFrame which allows you to use the syntax of the Kusto Query Language to transform the DataFrame
- laurelin-ldap — A pure-Python ORM-esque LDAP client.
- libddog — Datadog automation tool
- libresvip — Universal Converter for Singing Voice Projects
- lingcorp — CSV-based linguistic corpus annotation and search.
- luadoc — A lua ldoc tool in Python !
- maccarone — Mix natural language into your Python code
- magickey — This module provides iPython integration and magics that allow exact, inexact and intellegent code execution.
- manabase — Manabase generator for all your Magic: The Gathering needs.
- metric-temporal-fuzzy-logic — A library for manipulating and evaluating metric temporal (fuzzy) logic.
- metric-temporal-logic — A library for manipulating and evaluating metric temporal logic.
- metslesliens — Mets des liens entre articles d’un texte de loi français.
- mw — mw is an audio sample editor for the terminal.
- newpyter — no summary
- newql — A simplified GraphQL-esque library
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- nutstore-cli — A command-line interface for NutStore based on WebDAV.
- nwbindexer — Two tools for searching data stored using the NWB (Neurodata Without Borders) format
- open-aea-web3 —
- owlapy — OWLAPY is a Python Framework for creating and manipulating OWL Ontologies.
- pantos-client-cli — Client CLI for engaging with the Pantos system
- pantos-client-library — Client library for engaging with the Pantos system
- pantos-common — Common code for Pantos off-chain components.
- pantos-service-node — Pantos Service Node (reference implementation)
- pantos-validator-node — Pantos Validator Node (reference implementation)
- parscival — modular framework for parsing, mapping and transforming STS data
- pgtrio — A Trio-Native PostgreSQL Interface Library
- pickyou — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- platon-abi — platon_abi: Python utilities for working with platon ABI definitions, especially encoding and decoding
- prompting — This module provides iPython integration and magics that allow prompting.
- proto-ros — Translations between Protobuf and ROS message definitions
- ptulsconv — Parse and convert Pro Tools text exports
- py-dictfind — Filter dictionaries based on their contents.
- py-models-parser — Parser for Different Python Models (Pydantic, Enums, ORMs: Tortoise, SqlAlchemy, GinoORM, PonyORM, Pydal tables) to extract information about columns(attrs), model, table args,etc in one format.
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- pyjexl — A JEXL parser and evaluator.
- pyrosimple — A stripped-down version of the pyrocore tools for working with rTorrent