Reverse Dependencies of paramiko
The following projects have a declared dependency on paramiko:
- autodist — AutoDist is a distributed deep-learning training engine.
- autograders-lib — Autograders Python3 Library
- autoiperf3 — Jump to a remote server, start up iperf3, and collect connection data
- automationkit — Automation Kit Test Framework
- autonon — Organon Automated ML Platform
- autoscaleaws — Auto scale AWS by spot instances to launch tasks
- autosubmit — Autosubmit is a Python-based workflow manager to create, manage and monitor complex tasks involving different substeps, such as scientific computational experiments. These workflows may involve multiple computing systems for their completion, from HPCs to post-processing clusters or workstations. Autosubmit can orchestrate all the tasks integrating the workflow by managing their dependencies, interfacing with all the platforms involved, and handling eventual errors.
- autosubmitAPIwu — Autosubmit API: a versatile tool to manage Weather and Climate Experiments in diverse Supercomputing Environments. Now as an API that retrieves data from Autosubmit experiments.
- autotorch — AutoTorch Package
- aviatrix-testlibs — no summary
- awdflag — Test setup
- aws-bunker — bunker is a command line program for setting up an ec2 in AWS for remote development or as a backup. It can clone your git repos, and transfer ignored files from your machine to the ec2.
- aws-toolkit — An AWS Provisioning Tool
- awslake — Communicate with AWS infrastructure
- awslambdamonitor — A small monitoring tool which runs in AWS Lambda
- awsmc — Simple and cheap minecraft hosting on AWS
- awsmpi — Manage mpi cluster on AWS.
- awsovpn — Simple script for easy creation of OpenVPN instance on AWS
- Azog — no summary
- aztk — On-demand, Dockerized, Spark Jobs on Azure (powered by Azure Batch)
- azulejo — tile phylogenetic space with subtrees
- azure-cli-acs — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ACS Command Module
- azure-iot-starterkit-cli — Microsoft Azure IoT Starter Kit Companion CLI
- azureml-core — Azure Machine Learning core packages, modules, and classes
- b4-backup — A backup manager using btrfs for incremental local and remote backups
- baboossh — SSH spreader made easy for red teams in a hurry
- backtesting-server — Package to interact with MySQL server, recording results of the backtesting.
- backup-tool — backup tool
- backup-warden — Streamline your backup management with ease and simplicity
- backuppy — Backuppy backs up and restores your data using rsync.
- backupz — The application allows you to generate CHANGELOG files based on Git tags.
- backvm — This program performs the backup of one or several KVM domains
- badkeys — Check cryptographic keys for known weaknesses
- bagbag — An all in one python library
- balic — Balic - Command-line Linux Containers Toolset
- bamboo-lib — Python ETL library
- banelib — cyber security library
- basepak — no summary
- batchscanner-siklu — A script to batch-scan/query/configure multiple Siklu radios
- bbrain.iac — no summary
- bdcp — A big data competition auxiliary package
- beadify — A lightweight, efficient tool tailored for hobbyists looking to deploy multiple applications on a single Ubuntu-based VPS (Virtual Private Server)
- BenchENAS — A benchmark platform for Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search
- benchmark-runner — Benchmark Runner Tool
- berycker — Docker-like tool to set up a headless RaspberryPi or linux
- beta9 — no summary
- bgutils-hddly — bigdata utils.
- bigtest-automator — A small tool that helps to run and collect performance related metrics such as VMSTAT and AWR. Highly specific to my ORG, might not be useful for general public. SORRY! - Noob.
- Billabong — Personal Encrypted file storage, backup and sharing
- binharness — A framework to analyze programs running in environments
- biobb-remote — Biobb_remote is the Biobb module for remote execution via ssl.
- biom3d — Biom3d. Framework for easy-to-use biomedical image segmentation.
- biomero — A python library for easy connecting between OMERO (jobs) and a Slurm cluster
- bird-ospf-map — no summary
- bits-sftp — BITS SFTP
- bizzflow-toolkit — Bizzflow is ETL (extract - transform - load) template based on standard native cloud services. Supporting the three main cloud providers (Google Cloud Platform / Amazon AWS / MS Azure), it takes all the advantages. You pay only for services you really use. Perfect for teams who want to have direct relationship with their cloud provider. No matter if it is because of security or because you already have existing contract.
- bkp-sync — A set of modules and scripts for backing up and syncing files
- blacknet — Multi-head SSH honeypot system
- blocksync — Synchronize (large) files to a destination (local/remote) using a incremental algorithm
- blooming — A(nother) test automation framework for network device.
- bluecat-libraries — Modules for working with BlueCat products.
- bmcmanager — BMCManager is a tool for bare-metal server management
- bnpm — A library of useful modules for data analysis.
- bokchoi — no summary
- boss-cli — Yet another pythonic deployment tool built on top of fabric.
- bots-ediint — Bots open source edi translator
- bowlstoy — simple python tool
- braingeneers_smart_open — Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, gzip, bz2...)
- breezy — Friendly distributed version control system
- brem — Basic Remote Execution Manager
- broker — The infrastructure middleman.
- bs1200 — Python interface to the Bloomy BS1200. Supports driver communication via PCAN-USB interface, and Configuration via Ethernet connection
- bstools — some very useful tools
- btecli — Extensible CLI
- btssh — Utility library for command invocation via ssh
- bufap — A Python module (and CLI/GUI tool) for managing Buffalo wireless access points.
- build-magic — A general purpose build/install/deploy tool.
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- bulb-core — Neo4j integration for Django, and much more tools for deployment of consequent websites...
- burny-common — no summary
- busho — Multi-host deployment.
- byzerllm — ByzerLLM: Byzer LLM
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- canine — A modular, high-performance computing solution to run jobs using SLURM
- canper-ssh-client — Perform operations in client
- capture-it — Networking Device show output|Config capture and parsing utility
- carnival — Software provisioning tool
- celestical — A CLI to interact with the Celestical Serverless Cloud.
- certdeploy — A tool to automatically sync certificates and update services.
- cerulean — A Python library for talking to HPC clusters and supercomputers
- cfa_hermes — file tranfer monitor protocols ftp, sftp
- cg — Clinical Genomics command center
- CGCSDK — CGC Core REST API client
- chaosmonkey — A Chaos Engineering swiss army knife
- chaostoolkit-zos — Chaos Toolkit Extension for z/OS
- chconsole — Jupyter/Qt-based Chat Console
- CheckMethod — 飞马主柜台上场文件合规检测
- chellow — Web Application for checking UK energy bills.
- cherryblossom — CherryBlossom: an API for Nosedive AI
- chip-wallet-dstack — dstack is an open-source orchestration engine for running AI workloads on any cloud or on-premises.