Reverse Dependencies of panflute
The following projects have a declared dependency on panflute:
- amsthm — amsthm—provide a syntax to use amsthm environments in pandoc, with output in LaTeX and HTML
- authorea-scripts — Tools for working locally with Authorea projects
- bloggerer — Transforms markdown (and probably other things too) into WordPress-compatible "Custom HTML" with pandoc and additional magic.
- dilawar — Personal collection of utilities
- dso-core — Data Science Operations on top of dvc
- in2lambda — Converts content ready for import into Lambda Feedback
- include-code — A pandoc filter to easily include remote code into markdown
- inspect-ai — Framework for large language model evaluations
- ipypublish — A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
- jupytercor — permet de convertir les cellules markdown d'un notebook jupyter avec pandoc
- lander — HTML landing page generator for LSST PDF documentation deployed from Git to LSST the Docs.
- latex-to-myst — LaTeX to MyST converter
- limberer — A flexible document generator based on weasyprint, mustache templates, and pandoc.
- lingdocs — Create data-rich linguistic documents.
- lsst-projectmeta-kit — Python toolkit for extracting and transforming metadata about LSST's code and documentation projects, and loading it into the LSST projectmeta database.
- manubot — "Python utilities for Manubot: Manuscripts, open and automated"
- markdown-it-py — Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right!
- markdown2textile — This is a simple tool to convert markdown to textile. It's useful for handling redmine wiki.
- metasrc — LSST project metadata synthesis and JSON-LD export library.
- mistletoe-ebp — A fast, extensible Markdown parser in pure Python.
- noteout — Notebook parsing filters for Pandoc
- pancritic — CriticMarkdup parser with optional pandoc backend
- pandoc-acro — Pandoc filter for managing acronyms
- pandoc-acronyms — A Python filter to manage acronyms
- pandoc-beamer-arrow — A pandoc filter for adding arrows in Beamer/LaTeX
- pandoc-beamer-block — A pandoc filter for adding beamer block on specific div
- pandoc-beamer-multigraphics — A pandoc filter for adding muti graphics elements in Beamer
- pandoc-code-attribute — Pandoc filter to add attributes to code blocks based on their classes
- pandoc-codeblock-include — A pandoc filter for including file in block code
- pandoc-cover — Add a PDF cover to a document using an SVG template and the pandoc metadata
- pandoc-cqu-thesis — 用于重庆大学毕业论文的 pandoc filter
- pandoc-displaymath2equation — Automatically number display-math equations in pandoc.
- pandoc-figure — A pandoc filter for adding complex figures
- pandoc-filter — A customized pandoc filters set that can be used to generate a useful pandoc python filter.
- pandoc-glossary-filter — Pandoc filter used to generate a glossary and an acronym list common to a set of documents
- pandoc-import-code — Yet another pandoc filter to include external code files.
- pandoc-include — Pandoc filter to allow file and header includes
- pandoc-inline-headers — Pandoc filter to render headers as inline headers in html docx and odt conversion
- pandoc-jinja — Render pandoc metadata variables inside the document
- pandoc-latex-absolute-image — A pandoc filter for adding images at absolute position in the pages
- pandoc-latex-admonition — A pandoc filter for adding admonition in LaTeX
- pandoc-latex-color — A pandoc filter for changing color in LaTeX
- pandoc-latex-environment — A pandoc filter for adding LaTeX environement on specific div
- pandoc-latex-fontsize — A pandoc filter for changing fontsize in LaTeX
- pandoc-latex-french-spaces — A pandoc filter for dealing with french spacing rules
- pandoc-latex-margin — A pandoc filter for changing margins in LaTeX
- pandoc-latex-newpage — A pandoc filter for converting horizontal rule to new page in LaTeX
- pandoc-latex-tip — A pandoc filter for adding icons on specific elements
- pandoc-math — A pandoc filter for converting LaTeX to html for mathematics teaching
- pandoc-mustache — Pandoc filter for variable substitution using Mustache syntax
- pandoc-numbering — A pandoc filter for automatic numbering
- pandoc-plantuml-filter-panflute — no summary
- pandoc-quotes — Pandoc filter that adapts quotation marks.
- pandoc-recap — Render a recap of the notes (fenced divs) of the document
- pandoc-refheadstyle — Pandoc filter that sets a a custom style for the reference section header.
- pandoc-run-postgres — Execute SQL queries inside a markdown document
- pandoc-run-python — run python code blocks in markdown code
- pandoc-styles — A script to convert files with pandoc using styles.
- pandoc-tex-numbering — All-in-one pandoc filter for highly flexible numbering and cross referencing of everything in LaTeX.
- PandocCompose — PandocCompose lets you manage your documentation base using Pandoc
- pandocmk — A minimalistic make for pandoc
- pandocproj — Reporting with Pandoc
- pannb — pannb—pandoc filter for ipynb
- panovel — A script to make a novel out of markdown files with the help of pandoc
- panpdf — A PDF generator from Markdown that embeds figures from Jupyter Notebooks.
- pantable — A Python library for writing pandoc filters for tables with batteries included.
- panvimwiki — Filter and convert Vimwiki notes using pandoc.
- plaited — Publish reproducible code notebooks using pandoc and jupyter kernels
- pyndoc — A standalone Pandoc filter and optional preprocessor to include arbitrary Python code in Markdown documents, ran at build time.
- pyppl-report — A report generating system for PyPPL
- pytest-bdd-ng — BDD for pytest
- sciengdox — Science/engineering dynamic doc generation
- tex2lambda — no summary
- whiskey-flask — Whiskey makes writing happen.