Reverse Dependencies of paho-mqtt
The following projects have a declared dependency on paho-mqtt:
- phasepgmdata — My first Python package
- pi-device-net — A set of tools to operate a device network.
- pi-mqtt-gpio — Expose the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins (and/or external IO modules such as the PCF8574) to an MQTT server. This allows pins to be read and switched by reading or writing messages to MQTT topics.
- PiAlarmAdapter — Manage contact sensors and send messages with state change to MQTT Broker
- picamera-mqtt — MQTT-based control and image capture with local and remote networked Raspberry Pi cameras.
- picframe — Picture frame viewer powered by raspberry with homeassistant integration
- pioreactor — The core Python app of the Pioreactor. Control your bioreactor through Python.
- pip-services4-mqtt — Communication components for Pip.Services in Python
- plantgateway — Bluetooth to mqtt gateway for Xiaomi Mi plant sensors
- play-mqtt — pytest-play support for MQTT
- pnp — Pull 'n' Push
- poetry-demo-kevinkatz — no summary
- polyinterface — UDI Polyglot v2 Interface
- posetf — Pose Transformer
- powermon — Package to communicate with Solar inverters and BMSs
- ppdap — Digo Accessory Protocol implementation in python
- projectalice-nlu-trainer — Project Alice CLI tool
- prom433 — Exposes Prometheus metrics based on data received by rtl_433
- protofy — no summary
- prusa2mqtt — Command line tool that parses the USB serial output of a Prusa printer and publishes the sensor values and progress to an MQTT server.
- psa-car-controller — This is a python program to control a psa car with connected_car v4 api.
- psa-car-controller-fix — This is a python program to control a psa car with connected_car v4 api.
- pts-cli — End-user CLI utility for the Phone Test System
- pushetta — Client for Pushetta API
- pushy-python — The official Pushy SDK for Python apps.
- py-fbchat — Facebook Chat (Messenger) for Python
- py-miraie-ac — A package to control and read MirAIe Aircons by Panasonic
- pyaarlo — PyAarlo is a library that provides asynchronous access to Arlo security cameras.
- pyaware — Framework for reading connected devices and publishing to the AWARE cloud
- pybeamline — Python version of Beamline (based on ReactiveX)
- pycelium — Python Mycelium Edge Swarm Network
- pyDE1 — Controller for Decent Espresso DE1
- pydevice2mqtt — This project provides a simplified control of devices via MQTT. Supports the Hasso auto configuration protocol
- PyDSlog — Sensor data acquisition library.
- pyduke-energy — Python Wrapper for unofficial Duke Energy REST API
- pyDynamicVirshService — A Python library to expose virtual machines to homeassistant over MQTT.
- pyeconet — Interface to the unofficial EcoNet API
- pyephember — Python library to work with ember from EPH Controls
- pyEzviz — Pilot your Ezviz cameras
- pyezviz-custom-batworkmode — Pilot your Ezviz cameras with custom version for Battery Work Mode
- pyezvizapi — Pilot your Ezviz cameras
- pygear3 — no summary
- pygnssutils — GNSS Command Line Utilities
- pyiotown — IOTOWN Library
- pylandroidcloud — Small Python package to use the Worx Landroid API
- pyluba — no summary
- pymammotion — no summary
- pymeterreader — pymeterreader is a service to poll smart meters and sensors.It supports uploading to volkszaehler middleware via its REST API.
- pymqtt — Adds pymqtt support to your Python application.
- pymqttlights — Simple python library to control custom MQTT based fairylights
- pymqttmicroservicebase-tspspi — A basis library for MQTT based microservices in Python
- pymqttusb — Connexion USB <-> MQTT ssl ou wss
- pymysensors — Python API for talking to a MySensors gateway
- pymysensorsrma — Python API for talking to a MySensors gateway
- pyngsi — NGSI Python framework intended to build a Fiware NGSI Agent
- pyngsild — A Python data-centric framework whose goal is to ease and speed up the development of NGSI-LD agents
- pypms — Data acquisition and logging for Air Quality Sensors with UART interface
- pyqanat — Create simple event-driven, distributed data pipelines in Python
- pyqube — A Python SDK for interacting with the qube REST API and subscribing to real-time events
- pyros-client — Support library for PyROS
- pyroute53myip — This python tool pyroute53myip is useful to allow automate updating of a public DNS record hosted at Internet based in the public internet address from home. It is a quite typical scenario running at a domestic raspberry-pi tiny instance
- pyscreamor — A small example package
- PySensor-Mqtt — Biblioteca para simulação de sensores e publicação via MQTT
- PySide6-PahoMqtt — This is a wrapping class for using paho-mqtt(V2.x) in pyside6.
- pysmappee — Offical Smappee dev API and MQTT python wrapper
- pysmartmeter — Collect data from Hichi Smartmeter and expose it via MQTT
- Pysor — A Python package for sensor simulations
- pysparkplug — An open-source, Python implementation of Sparkplug B, an MQTT topic and payload definition standard
- pytcpmqtt — Connexion TCP <-> MQTT ssl ou wss
- pytest-homeassistant-custom-component — Experimental package to automatically extract test plugins for Home Assistant custom components
- pytest-mqtt — pytest-mqtt supports testing systems based on MQTT
- python-aiot-sdk — 智能物联云平台python sdk
- python-mqtt-framework — An opinionated framework to handle MQTT communication in Python.
- python-openhab-eventbus — An MQTT Event Bus for openHAB.
- python-roborock — A package to control Roborock vacuums.
- python-sand — Processing sensor and video data made easy
- python-xsense — XSense Python Module
- python2wb — Module for Python integration with Wiren Board MQTT
- pytraeger — Simple API to interact with the Traeger-Grill API
- pytrms — Python bundle for proton-transfer reaction mass-spectrometry (PTR-MS).
- pyupgw — Python client for Unisenza Plus
- pyvscp-p1-power-meter — VSCP P1 power meter handler
- pyvscp-sensors-bme680 — VSCP BME680 sensor handler
- pywatchpower — no summary
- pywis-pubsub — pywis-pubsub provides subscription and download capability of WMO data from WIS2 infrastructure services
- pyworxcloud — Landroid cloud (Positec) API library
- qilowatt — Communication package for Qilowatt inverters
- qoa4ml — Quality of Analysis for Machine Learning
- quakesrrtdisplay-tspspi — A simple realtime display for QUAK/ESR data in a specific experimental setup
- quakesrthorcam-tspspi — Mini utility that handles pictures taken for QUAK/ESR experiment by ThorCam camera
- quasemcryogui-tspspi — Simple GUI frontend for the QUASEM cryogenic infrastructure
- quasemrfscangui-tspspi — Simple GUI frontend for the QUASEM RF scans for realtime views
- quasimodo — AMQP and MQTT over WebSocket Queue Clients
- railmoniotagent — Sending big files with mqtt feature was added
- ramses-rf — A stateful RAMSES-II protocol decoder & analyser.
- raspigaragealert — Generate an alert when your garage door is left open
- raspirri-server — RaspirriV1 Server
- RasPyDHT — Temperature and humidity monitor with RaspberryPi
- realtime-aws-secretsmngr — Interface to provide callback or push events when secret is updated in aws
- redreactor — Red Reactor Battery Monitoring service with MQTT, and Home Assistant support