Reverse Dependencies of p_tqdm
The following projects have a declared dependency on p_tqdm:
- abgleich-pkg-wasix — A small string comparison package
- algofuzz — Framework for popular fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms from literature
- aliby — Process and analyse live-cell imaging data
- aliby-post — Post-processing tools for aliby pipeline.
- alphagradient — A tool for creating and backtesting financial algorithms
- body-organ-analysis — BOA is a tool for segmentation of CT scans developed by the SHIP-AI group at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ( Combining the TotalSegmentator and the Body Composition Analysis, this tool is capable of analyzing medical images and identifying the different structures within the human body, including bones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels.
- covid_sicr — Global estimation of unobserved COVID-19 infection
- covsirphy — COVID-19 data analysis with phase-dependent SIR-derived ODE models
- dlc2action — tba
- dscim — Data-Driven Spatial Climate Impact Model core component code
- eis1600 — EIS1600 project tools and utilities
- eu-cbm-hat — eu_cbm_hat is a python package for running carbon budget simulations.
- fold-core — A Time Series Cross-Validation library that lets you build, deploy and update composite models easily. An order of magnitude speed-up, combined with flexibility and rigour.
- geolocate — Georeferencing large amounts of data for free.
- gues — This package is for (hybrid and) score-based causal structure learning, using unconditional equivalence classes to reduce the search space.
- hyfi — Hydra Fast Interface (Hydra and Pydantic based interface framework)
- iterative-ensemble-smoother — A library for the iterative ensemble smoother algorithm.
- kidaura-ds — Kidaura data science module
- kinematic-snake — Kinematic model of snake-locomotion, with and without friction modulation
- ldt — Linguistic diagnostics for word embeddings
- leetcode-study-tool — A tool for studying Leetcode with Python
- mml-core — This is the MML toolkit, targeting lifelong/continual/meta learning in Surgical Data Science.
- MRISegmentator — Robust segmentation of 62 abdominal structures on MRI T1 Weighted images.
- mushan — Personal toolkit.
- NeuroStatX — Command-line toolbox to perform various statistical analysis on neuroscience data.
- nmma — A nuclear physics multi-messenger Bayesian inference library
- proteinflow — Versatile pipeline for processing protein structure data for deep learning applications.
- PyBMF — A Python library for Boolean Matrix Factorization
- pylipid — PyLipID - A Python Library For Lipid Interaction Analysis
- scrape-amazon — Scrape Amazon Reviews
- simd5 — Python module to create MD5 files for digital deliveries.
- SkinSegmentator — Robust segmentation of skin surface in MR images.
- SMdRQA — A Python implementation of MdRQA
- speechline — An end-to-end, offline, batch audio categorization, transcription, and segmentation.
- swiftpipeline — Pipeline for producing galaxy scaling relation plots.