Reverse Dependencies of ovito
The following projects have a declared dependency on ovito:
- agility — Analysis tool for simulations of grain boundaries and interfaces
- AtomisticReverseMonteCarlo — OVITO Python modifier to generate bulk crystal structures with target Warren-Cowley parameters.
- chemicalmotifidentifier — Chemical Motif Identifier
- fpdataviewer — Reads first-principle molecular simulation data and graphs various statistics
- lindemann — lindemann is a python package to calculate the Lindemann index of a lammps trajectory as well as the progression of the Lindemann index per frame of temperature ramps for phase transition analysis.
- matscipy — Generic Python Materials Science tools
- molecular-builder — Package for building molecular systems
- NshellFinder — OVITO Python modifier to find n-th shell nearest neighbors.
- ovitocontrib-AlignMolecule — Align molecules using the Kabsch algorithm.
- pu-pjr — Personal utilities for coding and data analysis
- WarrenCowleyParameters — OVITO Python modifier to compute Warren-Cowley parameters.
- xdatbus — A Python package enhancing VASP AIMD simulation