Reverse Dependencies of outcome
The following projects have a declared dependency on outcome:
- aiocflib — Python async API for Crazyflie drones
- aioguest — Run asyncio and another event loop in the same thread
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- amazon-login — Log into amazon seller central or vendor central using selenium.
- Andreani-QA-Scanner — SeleniumFramework para ejecución de casos automatizados
- anyioutils — Utility classes and functions for AnyIO
- asolytics — ASO automation software tool on Google Play. Trend analysis, keyword popularity analysis and evaluation, competitor app analysis and keyword parsing.
- asyncserf — Python client for the Serf orchestration tool
- AutoChromedriver2 — A cross-platform one-line solution that automatically manages chromedriver installation for Selenium
- AutoReg-MrPaC6689 — AUTOREG - Operação automatizada de Sistemas - SISREG & G-HOSP
- azucar-web-driver — Automatización de navegadores con Selenium
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- blocknative-sdk — Blocknative's Python SDK.
- bootFacebookAccountCreator — no summary
- breeze-historical-options — A Python package for easily downloading historical options data
- bylexa — Control your PC using Bylexa voice commands.
- cashu — Ecash wallet and mint with Bitcoin Lightning support
- ChemScraper — Scraping chemical vendors for pricing/availability info.
- cmc-py-wrapper — Unofficial CoinMarketCap API and Python wrapper
- cometai-core — A simple example package
- compiloor — no summary
- coupeutils — Library with utilities for projects.
- courts-api — no summary
- DashboardServerReportWebsiteSide — A website monitoring tool for performance, security, SEO, and UI
- data_market_index_fetcher — no summary
- discord-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for discord
- django-pyoidc — Authenticate your users using OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- dnd-firefly — Programmatically drag-and-drop in IRSA Viewer (Firefly) tool via Upload feature
- dreem — DREEM solves RNA structure ensembles using chemical probing data
- duauto — no summary
- dynamicscrapper — A package to scrap the web dynamically
- easy-automation-test — Easy to create a web or api automation test project
- easynetwork — The easiest way to use sockets in Python
- elemental-tools — A Collection of Utilities. Not even can be described.
- eqcount — このライブラリで地震の可視化が可能になります
- fishbowlpy — Python package to interact with fishbowlapp.
- fudstop — no summary
- fwtv — Verification that attendances comply with german rules. Also provide an integration to the api of FactorialHR
- graphtomation — An AI utility package to build and serve Crew and LangGraph workflows as FastAPI routes, packed with reusable components for AI engineers.
- greenback — Reenter an async event loop from synchronous code
- guardata — Desktop client for a modern and trustless data cloud storage service
- guerrilla_aaron — demo
- hf-webdriver-manager — Library provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers.
- jncep — Command-line tool to generate EPUB files for J-Novel Club pre-pub novels
- kbve — ATLAS
- kibitzr — Self hosted web page changes monitoring
- kind-wycliffwasonga — For querying documents from Korea Investor's Network for Disclosure(KIND)
- KwoksTool — no summary
- lager-cli — Lager Command Line Interface
- linkedin-auto-scraper — A tool to scrape infomation of people in a particular based on their job title and location
- linkedin-information-collections-scraper — a scrpit to get all the links about peaple who are intersted by given keyword
- linkedin-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for twitch
- LLM-PCT — A package for taking and scoring the PCT
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- mak-framework — Automation Framework Using Playwright Python
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- mikelja — A Python library to aggregate job listings from various APIs.
- mktdata — no summary
- moat-util — Utility code for the rest of MoaT
- mytiktok — A Simple Python Package for Scarping and Downloading Tiktok Videos
- nbapredictdaily — A tool to predict the outcome of daily NBA games
- neuro-api-tony — Graphical implementation of the Neuro API in Python
- ntucool — Default template for PDM package
- open-web-calendar — Embed a highly customizable web calendar into your website using ICal source links
- Optimo-API-Testing — Package for testing optimo API
- pacer-tools — no summary
- polish-trains — Search polish trains via simple API.
- proxytg — Package implements TelegramAccount class, which keeps your telegram session persistent with proxy
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- pytest-trio — Pytest plugin for trio
- PythonEasyApplication — Easy Application in Python
- qtrio — a library bringing Qt GUIs together with ``async`` and ``await`` via Trio
- quora-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for Quora
- reddit-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for Reddit
- reddit-tts-bot — A module that facilitates the creation of short form content from Reddit posts.
- remax-pipeline — A Python package designed for scraping data from Remax, enabling local use and integration with Celery for handling ETL workers tasks.
- RnDNews — Crawling RnDNews
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scriptize — Jarvis most recommended script api!
- selenium-auto-executor — selenium_auto_executor
- seleniumbase — A complete web automation framework for end-to-end testing.
- serena — An AMQP 0-9-1 client using AnyIO.
- shravan — Control your PC using shravan voice commands.
- SimpleApplication — Simple Application in Python
- snapchat-driver-info — A basic profile search bot for snapchat
- spacetrack — Python client for
- spotlite — Package to simplify working with Satellogic APIs
- sqlalchemy-aio — Async support for SQLAlchemy.
- ss-scrapping — A Python package for top 500 universities
- staticHL — Convert dynamically styled code and syntax highlighting to static html+css.
- stockmarketmba — no summary
- tcb-sheet-tools — A Collection of Utilities. Not even can be described.
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- translator-deepl — Traslate a .SRT file using any custom translator
- trio — A friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
- trio_asyncio — A re-implementation of the asyncio mainloop on top of Trio
- trio-parallel — CPU parallelism for Trio
- trio-websocket — WebSocket library for Trio
- tube-toolkit — tube is a toolkit for creating RPAs and other softwares that need selenium support.