Reverse Dependencies of oss2
The following projects have a declared dependency on oss2:
- 0lever-utils — utils
- 1lever-utils — utils
- agentscope — AgentScope: A Flexible yet Robust Multi-Agent Platform.
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- aie-sdk — AIEarth Engine Python SDK
- aiearth-data — AIEarth Engine Python SDK Data
- aiearth-engine — AIEarth Engine Python SDK Engine
- aiearth-openapi — AIEarth Engine Python SDK OpenAPI
- aiearth-predict — AIEarth Spatio-temporal data and AI development kit
- aiooss2 — Async client for aliyun OSS(Object Storage Service) using oss2 and aiohttp/asyncio
- airfs — A Python library for cloud and remote file Systems.
- ali-cli — Wraps the Alibaba Cloud SDK to make complicated tasks a lot simpler.
- alibaba-nls-python-sdk — python sdk for nls
- alibaba-pai — Alibaba Cloud PAI Python SDK
- alibabacloud-nls-python-sdk — python sdk for nls
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- alipai — Alibaba Cloud PAI Python SDK
- aliyun-img-utils — Package that provides utilities for handling images in Aliyun Cloud.
- aliyun-nls — aliyun-nls
- aliyunoss2-autoupload — Monitor files by wildcard patterns, upload them to ALIYUN OSS, then move to backup directory.
- aliyunstoreplugin — Plugin that provides Aliyun oss Artifact Store functionality for MLflow
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-providers-alibaba — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-alibaba for Apache Airflow
- apache-dolphinscheduler — pydolphinscheduler is Apache DolphinScheduler Python API.
- applyx — ApplyX
- asyncio-oss — An asynchronous python client SDK for OSS(Aliyun Object Storage Service).
- asyncoss — A async aliyun OSS library.
- atom-runtime — atom runtime
- autonn — Configurable deep neural networks for neural architecture searchand hyper-parameter tuning; Cloud deployment of DNN models
- ayugespidertools — scrapy 扩展库:用于扩展 Scrapy 功能来解放双手。
- bbcloud-python-sdk — bbcloud python sdk
- bge-python-sdk — 可用于调用 BGE 开放平台的相关接口。
- bluedot-rest-framework — no summary
- cobweb-launcher — spider_hole
- computenest-cli — A command line interface for running the compute nest project
- cos_migrate_tool — migrate tool for object storage services
- cow-transfer — Easily downlaod file from CowTransfer
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cz-ossfs — fsspec filesystem for OSS
- czsc — 缠中说禅技术分析工具
- d-oss — 迪的OSS存储
- DalineUnit — daline unit generator and runner
- datatang-customer-service — This SDK aims to provide customers with a range of features to simplify order management, dataset processing, and data acceptance.
- dcvideo — no summary
- deimos-client — Deimos client for handling backend requests
- delta-center-client — The client for delta center (used with opendelta).
- depsland — User oriented dependency management and application distribution tool.
- devokay — tools for daily developing.
- dg-ai-platform — A AI container platform.
- dilog — 私有的log以及log的oss上传包
- django-cloudmedia — Cloud media manager for Django, support for aliyun OSS, Tencent COS, Huawei OBS
- django-codenerix-payments — Codenerix Payments is a module that enables CODENERIX to manage payments and let clients to pay online.
- django-oss-storage-full — Django Aliyun OSS (Object Storage Service) storage
- django-oss-storage-v2 — Django Aliyun OSS (Object Storage Service) storage v2, compatible with Django 5.1+
- django3-aliyun-oss2-storage — A simple Django storage backend for aliyun oss2.
- django5.0-oss-storage — Django Aliyun OSS (Object Storage Service) storage
- django5-aliyun-oss — Django5 storage backend for Aliyun OSS
- django5-oss — Django Aliyun OSS (Object Storage Service) storage for Django 5.0+
- domain-admin — a domain ssl cert admin
- download-center — spider framework for winndoo.
- dpdispatcher — Generate HPC scheduler systems jobs input scripts, submit these scripts to HPC systems, and poke until they finish
- dsdl — Python SDK for DSDL
- dsdlsdk — made for opendatalab dsdl-sdk dev branch(ignore other branches).
- essmc2 — EssentialMC2: A Video Understanding Algorithm Framework.
- essmc2utils — A standalone python package for essmc2.
- f2ai — no summary
- fastaliyun — make it easy to use aliyun sdk
- fastapi-storage — Fastapi FileSystem
- fastoss — make it easy to use aliyun oss
- finbull — the finbull framework.
- FinRAG — FinRAG: Financial Retrieval Augmented Generation
- fkit — ft command line tool
- Flask-Saved — flask文件存储器扩展
- flowcli — ft command line tool
- funasr — FunASR: A Fundamental End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit
- funcodec — FunCodec: A Fundamental, Reproducible and Integrable Open-source Toolkit for Neural Speech Codec
- fundrive — fundrive
- fundrive-oss — Add your description here
- gardener-cicd-libs — Gardener CI/CD Libraries
- gardenlinux — gardenlinux CICD utils
- gddriver — The gddriver is an efficient tool for operating the storage service such as oss and ftp and s3
- get-cdk — Helper script for installing shinnytech cdk
- go-ml-core — machine learning core library
- goss-sdk-python — goss-sdk-python
- graper — A Spider FrameWork
- gzSpiderTools — 魔改使用工具库
- hikari-bot-official — Nonebot2 HikariBot For QQ-Official,支持战舰世界水表查询
- hscan — A python framework
- ifournight-django-oss-storage — Django Aliyun OSS (Object Storage Service) storage
- iidxbak — no summary
- image-sky — Run many jobs transparently on aliyun fc and other cloud services
- insnail-ai-tools — Insnail Ai Tools
- jbiot — Add a short description here!
- jeutil — A simple python libs
- jsw-scrapy — Jsw for scrapy.
- jsz — 金手指
- junoplatform — juno AI platform lib
- keble-helpers — no summary
- kkbtools — 爬虫业务中,常用的工具集