Reverse Dependencies of OSMnx
The following projects have a declared dependency on OSMnx:
- agrometeo-geopy — Pythonic interface to access Agrometeo data.
- AITrafficLab — Un paquete para entrenar modelos de optimizacion del trafico basados en sistemas multiagente.
- AmbuView — A package for ambulance hub analysis with respect to population density
- anprx — Create, visualise and leverage networks of ANPR cameras on the road network.
- aqeea — Access to air quality data from the European Environment Agency.
- ashdisperse — Steady state advection-diffusion-sedimentation solver for volcanic ash dispersion
- bikeability — A Package to derive bike-friendliness from OpenStreetMap data
- blocksnet — Package provides methods of master plan requirements automated generation for urban areas
- bsimx — The agent-based modeling tool with, networkx and osmnx.
- cityImage — A package for studying urban form and obtaining the computational Image of the City
- cityseer — Computational tools for network-based pedestrian-scale urban analysis
- crossify — `crossify` is a Python library and command line application for drawing street crossings lines from street centerline and sidewalk centerline data.
- dhd — Graph theory and evolutionary algorithm applied to city district heating network design
- dhnx — Simulation and optimization of district heating and cooling networks
- dongraphio — Small utility library containing graph algorighms used in other projects
- dyntapy — Macroscopic Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Python
- estaty — Module for spatial data fusion and processing for real estate objects. **estaty** is Python-based platform to obtain and merge open spatial data with not very open and not very spatial to create “real estate use cases”. Library provide tools for loaded data merging, pairwise source verification, proximity analysis, etc.
- firefly-uas — firefly_uas created by Sascha Zell
- geemap — A Python package for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine and ipyleaflet
- georouting — Geo routing for Python users
- geosnap — The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- geostream — Python tool to interact with OGC APIs with ease.
- geotrouvetout — geotrouvetout gives geolocation information from an image
- GOSTnets — Networkx wrapper to simplify network analysis using geospatial data
- GOSTNetsRaster — Generate travel time rasters from friction surfaces
- gps2topo-poi — A Python package to use GPS data of public transit routes and append topographical and Points of Interests (POI) related features.
- gpt-heat-routes — no summary
- GranadaCultura — Descripción del paquete GranadaCultura
- heatchmap — A package for estimation and visualization of hitchhiking quality.
- hydromt_fiat — no summary
- i38e-utils — Utilities for IBIS applications in data science and engineering
- iduedu — IduEdu is a Python package for the creation and manipulation of complex city networks from OpenStreetMap.
- labda — Library for Advanced Behavioural Data Analysis
- leafmap — A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment.
- leuvenmapmatching — Match a trace of GPS positions to a locations and streets on a map
- lfmaptools — Mapping tools for LaharFlow data
- loci-st — LOCI is a component providing functionalities for analysing, mining, and visualizing spatial and temporal data.
- map-network-viz — A small wrapper for visualizing street networks and making artistic maps with OpenStreetMap and Networkx.
- mapbots — tools for making softbots that operate on maps
- mappymatch — Pure python package for map-matching.
- maps-restaurants — DStokuron report
- maps4fs — Generate map templates for Farming Simulator from real places.
- maskmypy — Python tools for anonymizing geographic data.
- mcu-geo-utils — variaty of geo-related tools
- meteora — Pythonic interface to access data from meteorological stations
- movingpeople — Generate synthetic timesstamped routes on a graph network.
- network-wrangler — no summary
- networkx — Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
- nrel.routee.compass — An eco-routing tool build upon RouteE-Powertrain
- NREL-shift — Generate synthetic feeders using open street map data
- NxTransit — Construct and analyze time-dependent transit networks from GTFS data
- omniwatermask — Python library for water segmentation in high to moderate resolution remotely sensed imagery
- onstreet-parking-study — An LPR data analysis package!
- open-geo-engine — no summary
- optim3d — CLI application for efficient and optimized reconstruction of large-scale 3D building models.
- OSM2LES — Transfer building footprint to 2D DEM for LES simulation
- osm2les-dev — A package for processing and analyzing LES data with OSM.
- osmpg — None from OpenStreetMap
- osmsc — Construct semantic city models from OpenStreetMap
- OSMsimp — package to simplify networks from OpenstreetMap
- osw-confidence-metric — Calculates the confidence score of a given geojson area
- parabellum — Parabellum environment for parallel warfare simulation
- popframe — Provision assessment for cities of an urban region
- prettymapp — Create beautiful maps from OpenStreetMap data
- prettymaps — A simple python library to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data
- privkit — Privkit is a privacy toolkit that provides methods for privacy analysis. It implements different data types, privacy-preserving mechanisms, attacks, and privacy/utility metrics.
- provisio — Small utility library containing city provision metric used in other projects
- ptrail — PTRAIL: A Mobility-data Preprocessing Library using parallel computation.
- pyaedt — High-level Python API for Ansys Electronics Desktop Framework
- pybna — A library for measuring bike network connectivity using PeopleForBikes' Bicycle Network Analysis methodology
- pychoropleth — A simple library to create choropleth maps from geopandas dataframes using mplleaflet
- pygis — A Python package for installing optional dependencies for geemap and leafmap.
- PyHeatDemand — Processing Tool for Heat Demand Data
- pymove-osmnx — A lib python to integrate PyMove and OSMnx
- pyomu — Performs accessibility analysis
- pyumi — Create and edit umi projects
- ra2ce — Risk Assessment and Adaptation for Critical infrastructurE (RA2CE).
- rcm — Library for geo-spatial multi-agent models.
- reinventing-catastrophe-modelling — no summary
- ride-pfa — fast pathfinding lib
- ridepy — Simulates a dispatching algorithm serving exogenous transportation requests with a fleet of vehicles. Does not simulate the universe, unlike MATSim. Batteries are included.
- road-agent — Object-oriented framework for modeling of mobile agents.
- route-halo — Halo the route optimizer tool
- routor — Simple osm routing engine.
- ShortestPathSearch — A Python tool to visualize and find the shortest path using OSMnx in specified locations.
- sibi-dst — Data Science Toolkit
- slipo-loci — A high-level library for analyzing Points and Areas of Interest
- sloyka — Library for city identity analysis from social media posts and comments
- srai — A set of python modules for geospatial machine learning and data mining
- starling-sim — Agent-based framework for mobility simulation
- streetscapes — Code for downloading, segmenting and analysing images from Mapillary and KartaView, with the aim of extracting the emissivity and albedo of buildings.
- streetscope — This package handles downloading, cleaning, analyzing street view imagery
- superblockify — Automated Generation, Visualization, and Analysis of potential Superblocks in Cities
- swisslandstats-geopy — Python for the Swiss Federal Statistics Geodata
- SWMManywhere — SWMManywhere software
- synthmob — Parametric generator of synthetic gps data.
- Taxicab — Accurate routing for Open Street Maps and OSMnx
- tesspy — Tessellation of Urban Areas
- townsnet — Provision assessment for cities of an urban region