Reverse Dependencies of os
The following projects have a declared dependency on os:
- 101703373-topsis — A Python package to get optimal solutiion.
- Algorithm-Selection — Functions dedicated to The Algoritm Selection problem with a focus on a metalearning approach
- AnimeDiscord — A Multi Action Discord Bot Based On Anime
- annotmerge — This Library helps in merging multiple Pascall VOC Annotation file into a single Annotation
- aqeea — Access to air quality data from the European Environment Agency.
- arancini — scATAC-seq utils
- arcade-xml-generator — GUI to load parameters into agent-based modeling with ARCADE
- asac — no summary
- ASvid — A useful module for image to video converision
- atmo-desktop — Reading Atmosniffer device data.
- barney-log — A logging library for Python
- bechdel-corpus — An annotated corpus of classic literature.
- binarey — A module that allows you to convert files to binary.
- BioModelsRAG — A package for processing and querying biomodels
- Block-Fund-Trading — ICO-python-trading
- bryte — Python library of tools for enhancing your development, along with common shortcuts for speeding up your development
- calculatorpython — Basic calculator
- charprinto — Print strings character by character easily
- cipred — Non-parametric error prediction with random forest model.
- cm-whatsapp — Whatsapp-auto-messaging through
- codehut — Practice Competitive Programming directly from Terminal
- codehutt — Practice Competitive Programming directly from Terminal
- CommitMsgVerification — Returns the appropriate type of Git Commit Message.
- crop-nifti-by-mouse-click — open nifti and crop it
- data-lelo — Fetch market data for the NSE Exchange
- Ddnet — This is a test. This project is not very useful!!!
- deepend — Advanced end-to-end machine learning framework.
- diffphot — DiffPhot library. Differential photometry pipeline for astronomy.
- DXC-AI-Test — A Python package for DXC AI work
- easestress — easestress是一个python语言包(还有R语言版本),旨在缓解大家在科研中的压力。该包集成了经典影视剧的名场面台词和流行的网络吐槽、表情包语句。能够在用户每次调用特定函数时,随机打印出一句轻松有趣的话语,用轻松与欢笑为您的科研之路增添一份色彩!
- ellipsis-AI — Package to use Ellipsis Drive for AI
- ensdat — encryption module
- Ethack — Make cybersecurity breaches easily
- ETM-I2T — A small example package
- example-package-vitorscmoreira — Package description
- fanompo — Propensity score matching for python and graphical plots
- Filechunker — A utility for chunking large files into smaller ones.
- FISH-analysis — FISH image analysis library
- Flashcards-Terminal-App — Flashcards Study App
- flatwhite — A package for validating formats and handling files.
- flower-sementation-tool — A tool to segment yellow flowers in rgb images
- genereg — A library for analyzing the regulation systems of target genes belonging to genomic pathways relevant for a specific cancer type.
- Getfilesize — adaptive getting the file size
- GetFilesize22 — adaptive getting the file size
- getnews — This is code with Rudra package
- god-ocr — OCR King
- grinding-lib — Demo Python Library for Siemens Grinding project
- HemantDhanwar — WORK_ENV
- hkex-tools — Reader for HKEX daily report
- Housing-pred — housing module
- I2T — A small example package
- Imap2Dict-kiyoshirou — Automatically convert .doc and .docx and .xlsx and .pptx to .pdf format.
- Inde-Abbre — A Library that is used to retrieve the INDIAN Abbreviations
- isoformevent — Protein Isoform Event identifier
- jabu — Just Another Backup Utility
- JeffBrain — Vocal Assisstant
- jlkutils — Praktischer Stuff
- JWST-IMAGE-MAKER — Creates images from raw JWST data
- leap-labs-test — Leap Labs Universal Interpretability Engine
- LF-Encrypter — Layla-Focalors, login Encrypter
- main-102003634 — Package implementing TOPSIS.
- markdown-grapher — Draw a network graph of your markdown files
- melmel — Simplifies and adds fun things to Python
- mesconduit — Python & Conduit Integration Library
- mini-chat-client — mini_chat_client
- mini-chat-server — mini_chat_server
- mkg — The tools in this library are 100% free (Even for Americans and Saudis)
- mlgram — Sending messages and requesting function parameters with telegram bot.
- mojo — your_name_here
- MrDeNsor — instagram 6gr8
- my-logtool — This is a log tool
- my-site — A Python package to make a poll.
- myfunction-ilonaserg — A description of your package
- myfunction-vikmin2022 — A description of your package
- myfunction-ViktoriyaXIII — A description of your package
- myfunctions-diana11d — A description of your package
- myfunctions-thejondaw — A description of your package
- nbktools — TBC
- notification-timer — Package To Push Notification and Keep User Motivated
- nqlog — Interface to Google Cloud Logging that enables aggregated operation logs
- nsai — A package for France media sentiment analysis
- OLOFMI — A market microstructure package for the computation of market impact funcion of regimes with an online prediction of order flow and market impact
- optum-stellar — A package with methods for analyzing the Optum-Labs/UHC Stellar program
- pbi-vizdata — no summary
- peoplehealtimage — Detecção de faces em imagens
- Perceptron-pypi-vishalbansal-1650 — It is an implmentation of perceptron
- PETSc-BS — Packages for PETSc BuildSystem
- PirxcyAdmin — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- PirxcyAnime — A Multi Action Discord Bot Based On Anime
- PiView-AG — A Raspberry Pi system information package
- platemotion — A package to handle the tectonic plate motion
- PointsStatistic — Library to count POIs around reference points, and distance of the closest ones
- poisson-glm — Poisson GLM package for investigating spike trains in RGCs population. The model can use either radial basis function or raised cosine bumps, since both were built for comparisons.
- polyhedra — Various tools for manipulating 3D polyhedra and converting them to STL files.
- prikarsartamGeneratesContents — for generating contents on the basis of provided prompts and input lengths
- progiclone — Outil d'anonymisation des données sécurisé pour Dolibarr
- pwstore — a command-line password manager
- Py-Focus — Full vectorial calculation of focused electromagnetic fields moduled by a custom phase mask
- pyg-plot — High abstraction layer plotting with ``matplotlib``.
- Pyroscope-gridtools — Data fusion package for transforming L2 satellite to L3 spatial-temporal gridded data