Reverse Dependencies of ortools
The following projects have a declared dependency on ortools:
- aa-market-manager — AllianceAuth Market Management Tool
- aldy — A tool for allelic decomposition (haplotype reconstruction) and exact genotyping of highly polymorphic and structurally variant genes
- alfese — Alternative feature selection
- altob — Identify frequencies of concerning mutations from aligned reads
- alvoc — no summary
- anti-clustering — Generic Anti-Clustering
- baldor — Solve the Minimum Dominating Set for undirected graph encoded in DIMACS format.
- battery_management — Battery Optimization
- blop — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bloptools — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bugbug — ML tools for Mozilla projects
- cenfind — Score cells for centrioles in IF data
- chisel4ml — A Chisel based hardware generation library for deeply quantized neural networks.
- cimren-wkmeans-geo — Weighted KMeans Clustering for Geolocational Problem
- cloudsend — CloudSend is a Python package that allows you to run any script on a cloud service (for now AWS only).
- ColGenEstimator — Classifiers using column generation
- colorsort — Perceptually sorted colors
- cornflow-client — Client to connect to a cornflow server
- cpmpy — A numpy-based library for modeling constraint programming problems
- cpsat-autotune — A tool to automatically tune the hyperparameters of the OR-Tools' CP-SAT solver.
- create-giant-tour-class — Create a giant tour
- csd — (Constrained) subgroup discovery
- cvxpy — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- cvxpy-base — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- CytoBulk — Integrating transcriptional data to decipher the tumor microenvironment with the graph frequency domain model
- data_generation_tool — A library that provides data generation functionality for AI and data science projects
- data-locality-system — A library and pattern for low latency applications
- discrete-optimization — Discrete optimization library
- drp-package — no summary
- dsu — no summary
- elkplot — A library for making and executing generative art for the Axidraw line of pen plotters.
- exo-det-box — Methods for finding planets sharing a common (s,dmag)
- eyeballvul — no summary
- fast-online-packing — A fast algorithm for online packing.
- feloopy — FelooPy: Efficient and feature-rich integrated decision environment
- few-shot-clustering — A library for efficient semi-supervised clustering with large language models.
- flowtask — Framework for running Tasks and from CLI and API for orchestation. Component-based Task builder/Runner for non-programmers.
- FrustrationDynamiX — A package for handling computing frustration in dynamical systems
- gbf-beautify-honors — A CLI tool to help you figure out how to beautify honors in the Guild War event.
- giant-tour-class — giant tour class
- glhf — Good luck, have fun! A bot framework.
- graph-jsp-utils — todo
- hackathonbaobab2020 — Hackathon 2020 at baobab soluciones
- hadar — python adequacy library
- he_scheduling — A FastAPI scheduling microservice
- helpline-scheduler — Workshift scheduler for a helpline
- hipar — Hierarchical Pattern-aided Regression
- hls4ml — Machine learning in FPGAs using HLS
- iouopt — Simplify group IOU settlement.
- jcvi — Python utility libraries on genome assembly, annotation and comparative genomics
- job-shop-lib — An easy-to-use and modular Python library for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP)
- journai-lib — Let machine learning and operations research plan your next trip.
- jsp-instance-utils — A package containing benchmark instances for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) scraped from various sources.
- k-means-constrained — K-Means clustering constrained with minimum and maximum cluster size
- katapult — Katapult is a Python package that allows you to run any script on a cloud service (for now AWS only).
- languageFreeAcq — A small package for the language free acquisition of a constraint network
- lgblkb-navigation — Tools to navigate easier)
- lgblkb-tools — Helper tools for lgblkb)
- light-size-constrained-clustering — Size Constrained Clustering solver
- lpsolvers — Linear programming solvers in Python with a unified API.
- luntaiDs — Make Data Scientist life Easier Tool
- manabase-solver — Magic: the Gathering manabase solver
- matmov — Solver para o problema de alocação de alunos na ONG Matemática em Movimento
- mesh-tensorflow — Mesh TensorFlow
- metku — Module for structural analysis and optimization
- mipx — mipx
- mlonmcu — This project contains research code related to the deployment of inferenceor learning applications on tiny micro-controllers.
- moat-ems-sched — A battery scheduler
- mocap-mdc-tracking — no summary
- mtspsolvers — mTSP solver
- multimatching — A Python package for computing bottleneck distance.
- netrd — netrd: A library for network {reconstruction, distances, dynamics}
- oasisabm — This is a stable version of the OASIS activity-based framework. This repository includes the simulation code, based on the Python API of the CPLEX solver.
- oasisis — This is a stable version of the OASIS activity-based framework. This repository includes the simulation code, based on the Python API of the CPLEX solver.
- openlanev2 — The official devkit of the OpenLane-V2 dataset.
- optbinning — OptBinning: The Python Optimal Binning library
- optiz — Optimization library for Python
- or-models — Some standard textbook Optimization Models and Algorithms.
- or-shifty — no summary
- orderherosales — Routing solver for Orderhero sales
- ortools-puzzles-solvers — Constraint Solvers for common puzzles using OR-Tools.
- ortools-vrp-wrapper — no summary
- pandas-or — Optimization research with Ortools and Pandas.
- parallelsdk — Parallel AI Frontend Python SDK
- penaltymodel-mip — Generates penalty models using Google Optimization Tools' Mixed-Integer Programming capability.
- pickhardtpayments — Collection of pythong classes and interfaces to integrate Pickhardt Payments to your applicatoin
- plafosim — A simple and scalable simulator for platoon formation.
- pmlab-lite — Process Mining scripting environment
- popari — Popari: a probabilistic graphical model for integrated spatial transcriptomics analysis
- pre-ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- pref-voting — pref_voting is a Python package that contains tools to reason about elections and margin graphs, and implementations of voting methods.
- psitip — Python Symbolic Information Theoretic Inequality Prover
- pybalance — Population Matching
- pyjobshop — Solving scheduling problems with constraint programming.
- pyNeVer — Package for the design, training, pruning and verification of neural networks.
- pynibs — A python toolbox to conduct non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) experiments.
- pyords — A python package for operations research and data science problems.
- pyorlib — A powerful Python library for operations research. Define, solve, and interact with mathematical models in a standardized manner across different optimization packages.
- pyplanpro — Task scheduler for python
- pyworkforce — Common tools for workforce management, schedule and optimization problems