Reverse Dependencies of orjson
The following projects have a declared dependency on orjson:
- aaa1111 — An Api for Automatic1111
- accuweather — Python wrapper for getting weather data from AccuWeather API.
- aced-submission — Populate ACED commons from FHIR resources
- act-workflow — A library for executing workflow nodes based on Actfile configuration
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- AdvancedTagScriptEngine — An easy drop in user-provided Templating system.
- afreeca — AfreecaTV API Wrapper
- agentifyme — Framework for building agentic workflows
- agentlib — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- agentlib-mpc — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- agentopia — no summary
- ahp-graph — Attributed Hierarchical Port Graph
- ai-app-lab — no summary
- ai-benchmarks — HS-QA
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-forward — 🚀 OpenAI API Reverse Proxy · ChatGPT API Proxy
- ai-mock — Mock clients for your favorite LLM APIs
- ai-shell — Filesystem Shell interface that an OpenAI Assitant can use as a tool.
- aibaba-ai-api — no summary
- AICORELibrary — AI Core Package for AI
- aioacme — Async ACME client implementation
- aioamazondevices — Python library to control Amazon devices
- aioauth-fastapi — aioauth integration for FastAPI.
- aiobaseclient — no summary
- aioelectricitymaps — Async Python 3 wrapper for Electricity maps
- aiohasupervisor — Asynchronous python client for Home Assistant Supervisor.
- aiohomekit — An asyncio HomeKit client
- aioinfluxdb — InfluxDB v2 Python SDK with asyncio support
- aioipfs — Asynchronous IPFS client library
- aioipfs-2 — no summary
- aiomealie — Asynchronous Python client for Mealie.
- aiommost — Mattermost client
- aioplemmy — Python API for LemmyHttp
- aioprometheus — A Prometheus Python client library for asyncio-based applications
- aioptdevices — no summary
- aioradio — Generic asynchronous i/o python utilities for AWS services (SQS, S3, DynamoDB, Secrets Manager), Redis, MSSQL (pyodbc), JIRA and more
- aiordr — Simple and fast library for interacting with the o!rdr API.
- aiorussound — Asyncio client for Russound RIO devices.
- aiosabnzbd — Async Python 3 wrapper for SABnzbd
- aiosalesforce — Salesforce REST API client
- aioshelly — Asynchronous library to control Shelly devices.
- aiosonos — Async python library to communicate with Sonos devices.
- aiosox — ⛓️ Combination of asyncapi(documentation) & socketio pub/sub using aiokafka as the client manager multinode backend services
- aiostreammagic — An async python package for interfacing with Cambridge Audio / Stream Magic compatible streamers.
- aiOsu — Simple and fast osu! API v1 and v2 library
- aiosubstrate — A library for interacting with Substrate node (py-substrate-interface fork)
- aiosumma — Async client for Summa Search
- aiosyncapi — manage asyncapi documentation
- aiotankerkoenig — Async Python 3 client for
- aiotieba — Asynchronous I/O Client for Baidu Tieba
- aiounifi — Python library for communicating with UniFi Network Controller API
- airbyte — PyAirbyte
- airbyte-cdk — A framework for writing Airbyte Connectors.
- airbyte-lib — AirbyteLib
- airgradient — Asynchronous Python client for AirGradient.
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- aisdb — Smart AIS data storage and integration
- aiuna — Science as data transformation
- aklite — AKLite is lite version fo AKShare
- alaric — A simplistic yet powerful asynchronous MongoDB query engine.
- alchemy-provider — Dynamic query builder based on SQLAlchemy Core and ORM
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- alice-types — Pydantic модели для протокола Алисы.
- alist_proxy — Python alist proxy and monitor.
- aliyun-sls-logger — async aliyun sls logger
- alpha-cord — no summary
- altair-smartworks-ecp-client — Altair SmartWorks IoT Edge Compute Platform client
- amatsukamilogger — no summary
- amazon-photos — Amazon Photos API
- amebo — HTTP Event Notifications Server - Asynchronous Communication Engine
- amqp-workers — amqp-worker is a Python-based multi-threaded RabbitMQ consumer framework
- amsdal_server — Rest API server for AMSDAL framework
- amsterdam-schema-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam Schema.
- analogic-framework — no summary
- — An async API wrapper for the
- anki — no summary
- anycastd — A daemon to manage anycasted services based on status checks.
- anyforce — no summary
- anystore — Store and cache things anywhere
- aonsq — nsq client library
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apache-beam-ai2 — A FORK! for testing with different dill version
- apexbase — A lightning-fast, feature-rich embedded database designed for modern Python applications.
- api-automation-tools — Tools for API automation
- apischema — JSON (de)serialization, GraphQL and JSON schema generation using Python typing.
- applications-elprat — A Python library for applications and reusable structure for future projects of the town hall of l'prat
- appthreat-chen — Code Hierarchy Exploration Net (chen)
- appthreat-vulnerability-db — AppThreat's vulnerability database and package search library with a built-in sqlite based storage. OSV, CVE, GitHub, npm are the primary sources of vulnerabilities.
- appworld — AppWorld: A Controllable World of Apps and People for Benchmarking Interactive Coding Agents
- aprofiles — Analysis of atmospheric profilers measurements
- arcframework — A Python micro web framework for creating dynamic websites.
- arch-release-promotion — Promote official Arch Linux releases and synchronize them
- archimedes-python-client — The Python library for Archimedes
- archon-bot — Discord bot for VTES tournaments
- arcor2 — ARCOR2 base library
- areion — A lightweight, fast, and extensible asynchronous Python web server framework.
- argdantic — Typed command line interfaces with argparse and pydantic
- argus-rico — Transient alert generation and database interaction for Argus and Evryscope
- ariadne-graphql-proxy — Ariadne toolkit for building GraphQL proxies.