Reverse Dependencies of oracledb
The following projects have a declared dependency on oracledb:
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- airflow-oracle-snowflake-plugin — Packag for airflow operator which copies tables from oracle database to snowflake.
- alchemyrohan — Is a helpful tool for creating SqlAlchemy models.
- alloniadb — Library to interact with AllOnIA's registered databases
- apache-airflow-providers-oracle — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-oracle for Apache Airflow
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- auto-rest-api — Automatically map database schemas and deploy per-table REST API endpoints.
- avrotize — Tools to convert from and to Avro Schema from various other schema languages.
- awswrangler — Pandas on AWS.
- ayugespidertools — scrapy 扩展库:用于扩展 Scrapy 功能来解放双手。
- bigtest-automator — A small tool that helps to run and collect performance related metrics such as VMSTAT and AWR. Highly specific to my ORG, might not be useful for general public. SORRY! - Noob.
- bizflow-db-helper — A helper module for database operations
- bsc-utils — Utils for BSC Quants
- centercitypcs-utils — no summary
- cerberus-etl — A utility ETL library for internal development at NUDA
- ci-cmg-cruise-schema-orm — ORM classes for the cruise schema
- clean-sqlalchemy — Database Abstraction Library
- collate-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- core-db — This project/library contains common elements and clients related to database engines...
- cqepyutils — Cognitive Quality Engineer - Python Reusable Function Library
- csv2db — The CSV to database command line loader.
- cz-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-check — simple data validation
- data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-diff-customize — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- dataminer — A set of data processing tools.
- datayoga-core — DataYoga for Python
- db_compare — Tool to compare database schema and objects
- DbConnection — Convenient wrapper to create database connection engine based on the parameters passed. This engine can be used to run sql queries on the respective databases.
- dbt-oracle — dbt (data build tool) adapter for Oracle Autonomous Database
- dbworkload — Workload framework
- dbyoke — A library to unify database connections and drivers
- dcs-cli — SDK for DataChecks
- dcs-core — Open Source Data Quality Monitoring
- dcs-sdk — SDK for DataChecks
- devsetgo-lib — DevSetGo Library is a Python library offering reusable functions for efficient coding. It includes file operations, calendar utilities, pattern matching, advanced logging with loguru, FastAPI endpoints, async database handling, and email validation. Designed for ease of use and versatility, it's a valuable tool for Python developers.
- dhuodata-lib — no summary
- dhuolib — no summary
- didas — Python Commons for Didas
- django-stubs — Mypy stubs for Django
- dms_check — Check compatibility of Oracle Database with DMS migrations
- drs2 — Module for drs2 db calls
- dvh-tools — no summary
- dwh-oppfolging — Oppfolging python package for DWH ETL
- easy-utils-dev — no summary
- edabf — A package for EDA on CSV and SQL data.
- elixirdb — A python library for a streamlined database experience from a config file.
- etlhelper — etlhelper is Python ETL library to simplify data transfer into and out of databases.
- git-remote-oracle — A git remote helper to pull package source from oracle database.
- gmlutil — General Machine Learning Utility Package
- gmlutil-data-extraction — General Machine Learning Utility Package for Data Extraction
- gpp-components — for internal use
- gzSpiderTools — 魔改使用工具库
- h10awswrnglr — Pandas on AWS.
- ibis-framework — The portable Python dataframe library
- idg-metadata-client — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- inbound — declarative data ingestion.
- jinsh — tool
- jupysql — Better SQL in Jupyter
- kontext-copilot — Kontext Copilot is an AI empowered assistant for data analytics that can run on your local computer.
- kvalchemy — A SQLAlchemy based Key-Value store.
- langchain-google-el-carro — LangChain integrations for Google El Carro Oracle
- lazyedabf — A package for EDA on CSV, Parquet and SQL data.
- LHCbDIRAC — LHCbDIRAC is the LHCb extension of DIRAC
- licencer — no summary
- litestar-oracledb — Oracle DB plugin for Litestar
- ll-la — Python API for LivingApps
- ll-xist — Extensible HTML/XML generator, cross-platform templating language, Oracle utilities and various other tools
- llama-index-embeddings-oracleai — llama-index embeddings oracleai integration
- llama-index-readers-oracleai — llama-index readers oracleai integration
- llama-index-utils-oracleai — llama-index utils oracleai integration
- llama-index-vector-stores-oracledb — llama-index vector_stores oracle database integration
- macrometa-source-oracle — Macrometa source oracle connector for reading from oracle databases.
- macrometa-target-oracle — Macrometa target connector for writing data into Oracle DB.
- meerschaum — Sync Time-Series Pipes with Meerschaum
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- metaphor-connectors — A collection of Python-based 'connectors' that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor app.
- min-db — mybatis like minimum db utility
- morph-kgc — Powerful [R2]RML engine to create RDF knowledge graphs from heterogeneous data sources.
- mostlyai — Synthetic Data SDK
- nurtelecom-gras-library — Official Nurtelecom gras library
- odd-collector — ODD Collector
- openmetadata-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- optidata-core — Paquete de Python para OptiData
- oracle-ads — Oracle Accelerated Data Science SDK
- oracle-ml-insights — ML Observability Insights Library
- oracle-object-tracker — A Python-based tool for tracking Oracle database object DDL with git
- oracle2postgres_schema_validator — Tool to compare Oracle objects with Postgres objects
- OracleDBHandler — A simple OracleDB handler for executing queries with pandas.
- oraclemanager — API wrapper around python-oracledb to more easily perform simple database tasks.
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- pforacle — This package contains prompt flow tools for querying Oracle databases.
- pih-plb — PIH Polibase service package
- polarcle — Polars Dataframe integration with Oracle
- profpy — no summary
- pstyle — python DB-API paramstyle converter
- pydapper — A pure python lib inspired by the dotnet lib dapper
- pysqlsync — Synchronize schema and large volumes of data
- pytest-databases — Reusable database fixtures for any and all databases.
- querycommander — Browser-based SQL Query Tool for Universal Database Management