Reverse Dependencies of ophyd
The following projects have a declared dependency on ophyd:
- apsbss — Get information from APS Beamline Scheduling System.
- apstools — Library of Python tools for use with the Bluesky Framework at the APS.
- atef — Python Automated Test Execution Framework
- atfdb — BNL/ATF socket-based data acquisition client
- bec-device-server — BEC service for connecting, controlling and monitoring devices through ophyd
- bec-server — BEC server
- blop — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bloptools — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- bluesky-browser — Library of Qt widgets for searching, viewing document streams
- bluesky-cartpole — Train a cartpole agent with bluesky and ophyd!
- bluesky-nats — NATS JetStream connectivity for Bluesky
- bluesky-queueserver — Server for queueing plans
- bluesky-widgets — Toolbox of widgets for visualizing streaming data
- caproto — a sans-I/O implementation of the EPICS Channel Access protocol
- dls-bluesky-core — Common Diamond specific Bluesky plans and functions
- dls-dodal — Ophyd devices and other utils that could be used across DLS beamlines
- guarneri — guarneri
- happi — Happi Database Access for LCLS Beamline Devices
- haven-spc — Tools and GUI for running the spectroscopy group beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source.
- hextools — Tools for NSLS-II HEX beamline
- hklpy — Controls for using diffractometers within the Bluesky Framework.
- hklpy2 — 2nd generation diffractometer controls for the Bluesky Framework.
- hxntools — NSLS-II Hard X-ray Nanoprobe data acquisition tools
- hxrsnd — Python controls suite for HXRSnD
- infn-ophyd-hal — Ophyd HAL for controlling motors, cameras, magnets... specifically INFN facilities
- lightpath — {{ cookiecutter.description }}
- lnls-ophyd — LNLS OPHYD hardware abstraction
- mx-bluesky — Bluesky tools for MX Beamlines at DLS
- mxtools — Common code for the MX beamlines at NSLS-II (AMX, FMX).
- nabs — NABS: Not a beamline scientist. Beamline automatation that should be handled by code, not by people.
- nomad-camels — CAMELS is a configurable measurement software, targeted towards the requirements of experimental solid-state physics.
- nslsii — Tools for data collection and analysis at NSLS-II
- ophyd-async — Asynchronous Bluesky hardware abstraction code, compatible with control systems like EPICS and Tango
- ophyd-basler — Basler camera API integration with ophyd
- ophyd-devices — Custom device implementations based on the ophyd hardware abstraction layer
- ophyd-registry — A registry to keep track of, and retrieve, Ophyd objects.
- p99_bluesky — p99 sandbox
- pcdscalc — PCDS Calculation Routines
- pcdsdaq — DAQ Control Interface
- pcdsdevices — Ophyd Device definitions for LCLS Beamline components
- pcdsutils — PCDS Python Utilities
- pmpsdb-client — Client application for interfacing with the PMPS database and the deployed PLC files.
- psdaq-control-minimal — A minimal repackaging of the lcls2 daq control interface.
- pvWebMonitor — Create static web site from EPICS PVs.
- python-bluesky-taskgraph — A Library to add TaskGraph implementation of plans to Bluesky
- raypyng-bluesky — This is a raypyng-Bluesky interface library that allows using the Bluesky data acquisition framework to run raypyng simulations (RAY-UI)
- sirepo-bluesky — Sirepo-Bluesky interface
- suitcase-nomad-camels-hdf5 — no summary
- suitcase-utils — no summary
- sunflare — Redsun plugin development toolkit
- transfocate — Automated Calculation of Transfocator Focusing Optics
- tsuchinoko — An adaptive optics alignment tool for ALS beamlines utilizing gpCAM.
- typhos — Interface generation for ophyd devices
- xicam.Acquire — Xi-CAM Acquire Plugin
- xrd-image-util — Utility package for handling XRD image data.