Reverse Dependencies of opentelemetry-instrumentation-urllib
The following projects have a declared dependency on opentelemetry-instrumentation-urllib:
- aidial-sdk — Framework to create applications and model adapters for AI DIAL
- aws-opentelemetry-distro — AWS OpenTelemetry Python Distro
- azure-monitor-opentelemetry — Microsoft Azure Monitor Opentelemetry Distro Client Library for Python
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- devops-container-image-code-generator — GenAI Application which uses Langchain and source code repository files, such as dependency manifests, to generate container image code like Dockerfile and entrypoint script.
- helios-opentelemetry-sdk — Helios OpenTelemetry SDK
- highlight-io — Session replay and error monitoring: stop guessing why bugs happen!
- middleware-io — Middleware's APM tool enables Python developers to effortlessly monitor their applications, gathering distributed tracing, metrics, logs, and profiling data for valuable insights and performance optimization.
- mkdocs_mknodes — Don't write docs. Code them.
- odigos-opentelemetry-python — Odigos Initializer for Python OpenTelemetry Components
- opentelemetry-contrib-instrumentations — OpenTelemetry Contrib Instrumentation Packages
- philbot-voice — no summary
- sentry-sdk-pubsub — Python client for Sentry ( with PubSub support
- starbridge — ⭐ Integrates Claude Desktop with the web, Google and Atlassian workspaces.
- sumologic-opentelemetry — An all-in-one package for python projects used to enable OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation
- synapseclient — A client for Synapse, a collaborative, open-source research platform that allows teams to share data, track analyses, and collaborate.
- tyke-agent — Tyke Python Agent
- uptick-observability — Add your description here
- zango — Zango: multi-tenant Django framework for building business apps