Reverse Dependencies of opentelemetry-api
The following projects have a declared dependency on opentelemetry-api:
- 564bff00ff-strawberry-graphql — A library for creating GraphQL APIs
- acp-sdk — Agent Communication Protocol SDK
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adpa — Advanced Data Processing and Analytics Framework
- agenta — The SDK for agenta is an open-source LLMOps platform.
- agentcommunicationprotocol — Agent Communication Protocol SDK
- agentifyme — Framework for building agentic workflows
- agentops — Observability and DevTool Platform for AI Agents
- agentuity — Agentuity SDK for Python
- agiflow-sdk — Agiflow Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, support LLM APIs and Frameworks tracing with Opentelemetry and more.
- ai-app-lab — no summary
- aidial-sdk — Framework to create applications and model adapters for AI DIAL
- aiozabbix — Asynchronous Zabbix API Python interface
- aipmai — Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks. (Chinese Version)
- alamos — no summary
- aliyun-bootstrap — aliyun bootstrap
- aliyun-instrumentation-dashscope — Aliyun DashScope Instrumentation
- aliyun-instrumentation-langchain — Aliyun Langchain Instrumentation
- aliyun-instrumentation-llama-index — Aliyun LlamaIndex Instrumentation
- aliyun-instrumentation-openai — Aliyun OpanAi Instrumentation
- aliyun-trace — Aliyun Trace
- alphasense-api-sdk — AlphaSense API SDK
- alphaz-next — A project to make a lib to start FastAPI quickly
- angr — A multi-architecture binary analysis toolkit, with the ability to perform dynamic symbolic execution and various static analyses on binaries
- aperture-py — SDK to interact with the Aperture Agent
- apitoolkit-common — Shared code for apitoolkit python sdks
- apitoolkit-django — A Django SDK for Apitoolkit integration
- apitoolkit-fastapi — no summary
- apitoolkit-flask — A Flask SDK for Apitoolkit integration
- apitoolkit-pyramid — A Python Pyramid SDK for Apitoolkit integration
- appbuilder-sdk — 百度智能云千帆AppBuilder-SDK
- appsignal — The AppSignal integration for the Python programming language
- archgw_modelserver — A model server for serving models
- ariadne — Ariadne is a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers.
- ariadne-codegen — Generate fully typed GraphQL client from schema, queries and mutations!
- arkitect — no summary
- arkitema-config — Configurations for Arkitema FastAPI apps
- as-codegen — Generate typed GraphQL client from GraphQL schema, queries and mutations!
- asimov-agents — A library of primitives for building agentic flows.
- atro-pylog — A simple logging library for Python. That either uses Loguru or OpenTelmetry collector (useful for local & cluster logging).
- aurorastack-core — MSA framework with kubernetes
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- auto-genesis-telemetry — A unified OpenTelemetry-based SDK for metrics, logging, and tracing in Python applications.
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autogen-core — Foundational interfaces and agent runtime implementation for AutoGen
- autonomize-sdk-python — Autonomize Python SDK
- aws-advanced-python-wrapper — Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Python Wrapper
- aws-opentelemetry-distro — AWS OpenTelemetry Python Distro
- azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry — Microsoft Azure Azure Core OpenTelemetry plugin Library for Python
- azure-monitor-events-extension — Microsoft Azure Monitor Events Extension for Python
- azure-monitor-opentelemetry-exporter — Microsoft Azure Monitor Opentelemetry Exporter Client Library for Python
- azure-opentelemetry-exporter-azuremonitor — Microsoft Azure Monitor Opentelemetry Exporter Client Library for Python
- baml — no summary
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- barcelonalib — Library to simplify writing out events during CI/CD workflows.
- barium-meal — Convenience wrapper for OpenTelemetry
- baselime-opentelemetry — no summary
- baseplate — reddit's python service framework
- beamlit — Add your description here
- bedrock-tracing — A Python library for tracing Bedrock agent responses with OpenTelemetry.
- beeai-server — BeeAI server
- BentoML — BentoML: The easiest way to serve AI apps and models
- bitbazaar — An assortment of publicly available cross-language utilities useful to my projects.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bk-audit — Bk Audit SDK
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- boilermaker-servicebus — An async python Background task system using Azure Service Bus Queues
- BRAD-Chat — This package connects large language models with bioinformatics workflows.
- buildflow — BuildFlow, is an open source framework for building large scale systems using Python. All you need to do is describe where your input is coming from and where your output should be written, and BuildFlow handles the rest.
- burr — A state machine for data projects
- c7n_gcp — Cloud Custodian - Google Cloud Provider
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- cannula — Async GraphQL Helper Library
- captureflow-agent — The CaptureFlow Tracer is a Python package crafted for in-depth tracing of function calls within Python applications. Its primary function is to capture and relay execution data to the CaptureFlow server-side system for decision making.
- cdp-monitoring — cdp monitoring python sdk
- chaostoolkit-opentracing — Chaos Toolkit OpenTracing Extension
- chatmancy — Agent, chat, conversation framework for interacting with LLMs.
- chromadb — Chroma.
- chromadb-client — Chroma Client.
- chromadb-deterministic — Chroma with deterministic behavior.
- chromadb-pysqlite3 — Chroma.
- citros — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- citros-test — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- cityfibre-opentelemetry — OpenTelemetry Python instrumentation
- clank-so-openinference-instrumentation-dspy — OpenInference DSPy Instrumentation ( fork)
- clearcut — A straightforward and lightweight logging and tracing library
- cloudimized — GCP & Azure configuration scanning tool
- cognify-ai — The Automated Optimizer for GenAI Workflows
- composable-logs — no summary
- composable-logs-snapshot — no summary
- confluent-kafka-helpers — Helpers for Confluent's Kafka Python client
- ContextQA — Chat with your data by leveraging the power of LLMs and vector databases
- coralogix-opentelemetry — coralogix extentions for opentelemetry
- corva-otel-faas — OpenTelemetry faas instrumentation for Python at
- corva-otel-utils — OpenTelemetry utilities for Python at
- cosmicfrog — Helpful utilities for working with Cosmic Frog models
- crewai — Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.
- crewai-clean — Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.
- cropioai — Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CropioAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.
- ctracing — custom tracing lib and helpers