Reverse Dependencies of opensearch-py
The following projects have a declared dependency on opensearch-py:
- slo-generator — SLO Generator
- sparkpipelineframework — Framework for simpler Spark Pipelines
- speech-patho-mdl — Custom Trained Models for Speech Pathology
- sphinx-opensearch — Python program to index Sphinx-based documentations into Elasticsearch or Opensearch
- stac-fastapi.opensearch — Opensearch stac-fastapi backend.
- superagentx — The Ultimate Modular Autonomous Multi AI Agent Framework.
- superb-data-klient — A Python API wrapping services of the Superb Data Kraken (SDK)
- testcontainers — Python library for throwaway instances of anything that can run in a Docker container
- testcontainers-opensearch — OpenSearch component of testcontainers-python.
- text2sql-metadata-filterer — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- turbinia — Automation and Scaling of Digital Forensics Tools
- unskript-cloudnative-data — Opensource unSkript Python Package repository
- unstructured-cpu — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- unstructured-ingest — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- vanna — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- vanna-scalegen — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- vectordb-bench — VectorDBBench is not just an offering of benchmark results for mainstream vector databases and cloud services, it's your go-to tool for the ultimate performance and cost-effectiveness comparison. Designed with ease-of-use in mind, VectorDBBench is devised to help users, even non-professionals, reproduce results or test new systems, making the hunt for the optimal choice amongst a plethora of cloud services and open-source vector databases a breeze.
- web3-data-center — Web3 data center integrating multiple APIs for blockchain data analysis
- yente — no summary
- yqdata — 小容量化数据平台