Reverse Dependencies of openscm-units
The following projects have a declared dependency on openscm-units:
- aneris-iamc — Harmonize Integrated Assessment Model Emissions Trajectories
- carpet-concentrations — Core tools for the development of greenhouse gas concentration input files (i.e. flying carpets).
- ciceroscm — Python version of the CICERO-SCM simple climate model
- climate-assessment — Climate assessment of long-term emissions pathways: IPCC AR6 WGIII version
- climate-categories — Commonly used codes, categories, terminologies, and nomenclatures used in climate policy analysis as a Python package.
- datatoolbox — The Python Data Toolbox
- ITR — Assess the temperature alignment of current targets, commitments, and investment and lending portfolios.
- openscm-calibration — Calibration tools for simple climate models (with potential for applications elsewhere)
- openscm-runner — Thin wrapper to run emissions scenarios with simple climate models
- pandas-indexing — Helpers to facilitate working with pandas indices in particular multiindices
- primap2 — The next generation of the PRIMAP climate policy analysis suite.
- scmdata — scmdata provides some useful data handling routines for dealing with data related to simple climate models (SCMs aka reduced complexity climate models, RCMs)
- silicone — Automated filling of detail in reported emission scenarios