Reverse Dependencies of opencv-python-headless
The following projects have a declared dependency on opencv-python-headless:
- abraia — Abraia Python SDK
- ac-segmentation — Segmentation for Axonal Connectomics
- acdctools — Collection of tools used by Cell-ACDC and spotMAX
- acia — The acia library provides utility functionality for analyzing 2D+t time-lapse image sequences in microfluidic live-cell imaging experiments.
- adeptRL — Reinforcement Learning Framework
- agml — A comprehensive library for agricultural deep learning
- ai-cv-utils — AI Computer Vision Utilities
- aiearth-predict — AIEarth Spatio-temporal data and AI development kit
- albucore — High-performance image processing functions for deep learning and computer vision.
- albumentations — Fast, flexible, and advanced augmentation library for deep learning, computer vision, and medical imaging. Albumentations offers a wide range of transformations for both 2D (images, masks, bboxes, keypoints) and 3D (volumes, volumetric masks, keypoints) data, with optimized performance and seamless integration into ML workflows.
- Alcohol-Total-Game — A collection of mini-games and utilities.
- alectio-sdk — Integrate customer side ML application with the Alectio Platform
- algo-ops — Algo-Ops Framework
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- amadeusgpt — AmadeusGPT🎻: We turn natural language descriptions of behaviors into machine-executable code
- amai-ai-chatbot — African Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
- ammico-lavis — LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence
- anhaltai-commons-minio — AnhaltAI Commons Minio: Additional functions for using Minio
- anime-face-detector — Anime Face Detector using mmdet and mmpose
- annolid — An annotation and instance segmentation-based multiple animal tracking and behavior analysis package.
- anylabeling — Effortless data labeling with AI support
- anylabeling-gpu — Effortless data labeling with AI support
- aperturedb — ApertureDB Python SDK
- apple-hdr-heic — A library/tool to decode images in HEIC/HEIF format taken on Apple devices that contain HDR gain map.
- april-vision — An AprilTags wrapper with camera discovery and axis conversion.
- araviq6 — Package for converting QVideoFrame to NDArray with Qt6
- arctic-charr-matcher — Arctic Charr matching library
- armory-testbed — Adversarial Robustness Test Bed
- ArtColorAnalyzer-Hue-Adjustment-Tool — A tool for overall and object-specific hue adjustment in images.
- asai-ciel — no summary
- aug-img — package test use a simple image precessing example
- auto-mlflow — Auto MLFlow is an open-source automated MLOps library for MLFlow in Python. While MLFlow provides a UI for tracking experiments, Auto MLFlow automates and simplifies the logging process, reducing manual effort and ensuring seamless integration with ML workflows.
- Auto4DSTEM — Incorporating Developed Cycle-Consistent-Spatial-Transforming Autoencoder for 4-D STEM analysis.
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- autocrop — Automatically crops faces from batches of pictures
- autocrop-kh — Document Extraction Inference API using DeepLabV3 with Pretrain Model
- autonbox — Auton Lab TA1 primitives
- autonomi — Autonomi Cloud Python Client
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autonomous-learning-library — A library for building reinforcement learning agents in Pytorch
- axa-fr-ocr — AXA France OCR library
- axa-fr-splitter — This package splits PDF and TIFF files into separate PNGs and extracts text from input files.
- AxleSpacing — A Python library for vehicle axle spacing detection.
- azureml-acft-common-components — Basic implementation of common components and utility functions that can be used by all verticals (image/video/nlp/multi-modal).
- azureml-automl-dnn-vision — AutoML DNN Vision Models
- azureml-metrics — Contains the ML and non-Azure specific common code associated with AzureML metrics.
- babeldoc — Yet Another Document Translator
- BackgroundVellore — Predict the Genre for each 10-second interval of the video.
- bbox-objected — Manipulate bounding boxes as objects
- beit3-gml — Package for beit3, part of UniLM by Microsoft, customized for GML tasks
- best-face-identification — This app is a face identifier. If your face is existed in face bank, you recieved True, otherwise False.
- bigdl-nano — High-performance scalable acceleration components for intel.
- bio-cntrs-analyzer — The semi-automatic segmentation and quantification of patchy areas in various biomedical images based on the assessment of their local edge densities.
- bioimageloader — load bioimages for machine learning
- bipl — Openslide/libtiff/GDAL ndarray-like interface and lazy parallel tile-based processing
- bitcoin-qr-tools — Python bitcoin qr reader and generator
- bitcoin-qrreader — A python bitcoin qr reader
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- blendify — Python rendering framework for Blender
- bm-video-tools — 音视频处理工具
- bobotools — bobotools
- bocr — A Python package for OCR using Vision LLMs
- boilercine — Convert CINEs for a boiling study
- boilercv — Computer vision routines suitable for nucleate pool boiling bubble analysis
- bookvid2pdf — Convert a video of the pages of a book being flipped to a PDF.
- brainways — Brainways
- breast-cancer-toolkit — Machine learning toolkit designed to support data scientists in breast cancer analysis.
- brevettiai — Brevetti AI library
- brisque-opencv — Image Quality
- browse-ocrd — An extensible viewer for OCR-D workspaces
- browse-ocrd-physical-import — Plugin for browse-ocrd to scan book pages with an android phone camera
- bu-cvkit — A toolkit to accelerate computer vision research
- cabrnet — Generic library for prototype-based classifiers
- calcam — Spatial calibration tools for science & engineering camera systems.
- camelot-py — PDF Table Extraction for Humans.
- camera-stage-mapping — Calibration and mapping between stage and camera coordinates in a microscope
- camonline — camonline
- catalyst — Catalyst. Accelerated deep learning R&D with PyTorch.
- catalyst-pdm — Catalyst fork compatible with PDM
- ceevee — Python library for various computer vision problems with a focus on easy usage
- celldetective — description
- cellpose — anatomical segmentation algorithm
- cellpose-omni — cellpose fork developed for omnipose
- cellpose-omni-acdc — cellpose fork developed for omnipose
- cellpose-plus — cell segmentation framework based on cellpose
- cellpose-vollseg — modification of cellpose algorithm
- charmory — Adversarial Robustness Evaluation Library
- clarifai-evals — Clarifai Evals is an SDK for evaluating AI models, providing a structured framework to benchmark model performance using predefined and custom evaluation templates.
- Code-laguilhon — Test de package
- Codetest-laguilhon — Test de package
- Codetest1-laguilhon — Développement logiciel
- cognitive-service-vision-model-customization-python-samples — A sample code repo for model customization using Python for Cognitive Service for Vision.
- cohortfinder — Intelligent data partitioning using quality control metrics
- color-correction — help to do color correction on images based on color checker card classic 24 patch.
- color-correction-asdfghjkl — help to do color correction on images based on color checker card classic 24 patch.
- colorevo — Analyze color evolution in ROIs of videos
- ColorOCR — A color-based OCR library using EasyOCR
- comfyui — An installable version of ComfyUI
- comics-ocr — ComicsOCR is a Python package created for easily distributing OCR models trained for golden age of comics.
- composabl-train — a distributed trainer to be able to train agents across a cluster of machines