Reverse Dependencies of openbabel-wheel
The following projects have a declared dependency on openbabel-wheel:
- atomate — atomate has implementations of FireWorks workflows for Materials Science
- chem-ant — Select materials to output molecules similar to the target molecule with MCTS Solver and Genetic Programming.
- clusttraj — Performs clustering of molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo trajectories.
- dok2any — Convert DOK files to various chemical structure formats using Open Babel.
- dpgen — DP-GEN: The deep potential generator
- equilibrator-assets — Generate cache assets from MetaNetX content.
- equilibrator-cheminfo — Light adapter classes around Open Babel, RDKit, and ChemAxon for the functionality needed in eQulibrator.
- GaussianRunner — A script to run Gaussian automatically.
- ivette — Python client for Ivette Computational chemistry and Bioinformatics project
- libcoffee — A library for compound filtering via fragment-based efficient evaluation
- mddatasetbuilder — A script to generate molecular dynamics (MD) datasets for machine learning from given LAMMPS trajectories automatically.
- MLinvitroTox — MLinvitroTox performs high-throughput hazard-based prioritization of high-resolution mass spectrometry data.
- mofstructure — A Python tool to deconstruct MOFs into building units and compute porosity. The code removes guests from MOFs and all porous systems, computes SMILES strings and InChIKeys of all building units.
- molbox — Create simulation boxes for LAMMPS.
- procaliper — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).
- qcio — Beautiful and user friendly data structures for quantum chemistry.
- QM40-dataset-for-ML — QM40 is a QMx type of dataset which includes 150K molecules optimized from B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p) level of theory in the Gaussian16 with QM parameters, optimized coordinates, Mulliken charges and Local vibrational mode parameters as a quantitative measurer of the bond strengths.
- QMzyme — QM-based enzyme model generation and validation.
- rdmc — A light-weight software package with expertise in handling Reaction Data and Molecular (including transitions states) Conformers.
- ReacNetGenerator — ReacNetGenerator: An automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.
- sieve-chem-file-formats — Library for loading, manipulating, and saving chemical files of various formats.