Reverse Dependencies of ont-fast5-api
The following projects have a declared dependency on ont-fast5-api:
- fast5_rekindler — Collates information from BAM and POD5 files and generates FAST5 files for use in legacy tools such as tailfindr.
- fast5mod — Extraction of modified base data from Guppy Fast5 output
- fast5seek — Get paths for fast5 files contained in BAM, SAM, or fastq.
- megalodon — Nanopore base calling augmentation
- minFQ — Command line interface for uploading fastq files and monitoring minKNOW for minotour.
- nanodeep — A package used to achieve adaptive sample
- nanome-jax — NANOME (Nanopore methylation) pipeline developed by Li Lab at The Jackson Laboratory
- ont-bonito — no summary
- pod5-format-tools — Tools for use with the POD5 file format
- rnakinet — Package for predicting 5EU in nanopore reads and predicting RNA halflives
- seamlessf5 — Helpers for smoother transitioning to multi-read FAST5 files
- taeper — Simulate repeating a nanopore experiment.
- xron — A deep neural network basecaller for nanopore sequencing.