Reverse Dependencies of omnipose
The following projects have a declared dependency on omnipose:
- midap — A package for cell segmentation and tracking.
- napari-bacseg — Bacterial segmentation and analysis platform than can inport/export files in multiple formats. Integrating many tools such as Cellpose, ColiCoords, Oufti/MicrobeTracker.
- napari-moltrack — A user-friendly SMLM analysis platfrom for napari, which includes single molecule localisation, tracking, and analysis features.
- napari-PixSeq — A Napari plugin for extracting time series traces from Single Molecule Localisation Microsocpy (SMLM) data.
- napari-sketchpose — A segmentation plugin to adapt Omnipose implementation to partial labelling.
- RABiTPy — RABiTPy: A package to track the movement of a subject in a video file.