Reverse Dependencies of ome-zarr
The following projects have a declared dependency on ome-zarr:
- acquire-imaging — no summary
- acquire-zarr — Performant streaming to Zarr storage, on filesystem or cloud
- aicsimageio — Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Pure Python
- aicsimageprocessing — A generalized scientific image processing module from the Allen Institute for Cell Science.
- aind-data-transfer — Services for compression and transfer of aind-data to the cloud
- aind-large-scale-prediction — Generated from aind-library-template
- apx-fractal-task-collection — A collection of custom fractal tasks.
- bellavista — Python package for interactive visualization of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics.
- bfio — Simple reading and writing classes for tiled tiffs using Bio-Formats.
- bia-explorer — no summary
- bioio — Image reading, metadata management, and image writing for Microscopy images in Python
- bioio-ome-zarr — A BioIO reader plugin for reading Zarr files in the OME format.
- brainglobe-stitch — A tool to stich large tiled datasets generated by the mesoSPIM.
- brainlit — Code to process and analyze brainlit data
- copick — Definitions for a collaborative cryoET annotation tool.
- cvpl-tools — A Python package for utilities and classes related to the file I/O, dataset record keeping and visualization for image processing and computer vision.
- cyto-dl — Collection of representation learning models, techniques, callbacks, utils, used to create latent variable models of cell shape, morphology and intracellular organization.
- czitools — Tools to simplify reading CZI (Carl Zeiss Image) meta and pixel data
- dexp — Light-sheet Dataset EXploration and Processing
- faim-ipa — Tools used at FMI-FAIM for Image Processing and Analysis.
- glue-genes — Multidimensional data visualization for genomics
- harpy-analysis — single-cell spatial proteomics analysis that makes you happy
- iohub — N-dimensional bioimaging data I/O with OME metadata in Python
- liom-toolkit — Package to support the research of LIOM.
- mcd2zarr — Command line tool to convert MCD files to Zarr
- mrc2omezarr — Command line tool to convert MRC-files to OME-Zarr.
- multiview-stitcher — Registration and fusion of large imaging datasets in 2D and 3D.
- mysquishy — Recompress zarr chunks in-place
- napari-activelearning — An active learning plugin for fine tuning of deep learning models.
- napari-chatgpt — A napari plugin to process and analyse images with chatGPT.
- napari-file-watcher — A napari plugin for file watching
- napari-ome-zarr — A reader for zarr backed OME-NGFF images.
- napari-ome-zarr-navigator — A plugin to browse OME-Zarr plates by conditions and load images, labels and features from ROIs
- napari-sentinel-to-zarr — Writer plugin for napari to save Sentinel tiffs into ome-zarr format
- nViz — A tool for creating and visualizing n-dimensional microscopy images.
- ome2glancer — A package that generates neuroglancer links for ome-zarr files.
- omero-cli-zarr — Plugin for exporting images in zarr format.
- openst — The computational pipeline for the Open-ST method.
- operetta-compose — Fractal tasks for the Opera/Operetta microscope and drug response profiling
- raw2tmap — Convert OME-Zarr files to TMAP format
- scportrait — Computational framework to generate single cell datasets from raw microscopy images.
- serotiny — A framework of tools to structure, configure and drive deep learning projects
- spatialdata — Spatial data format.
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- tiledb-bioimg — Package supports all bio-imaging functionality provided by TileDB
- ufish — Deep learning based spot detection for FISH images.
- ultrack — Large-scale multi-hypotheses cell tracking
- vitessce — Jupyter widget facilitating interactive visualization of spatial single-cell data with Vitessce
- zarrnii — Package for working with OME-Zarr and NIFTI images in a unified manner, with a focus on spatial transformations