Reverse Dependencies of odoo12-addon-account-invoice-triple-discount
The following projects have a declared dependency on odoo12-addon-account-invoice-triple-discount:
- odoo12-addon-account-invoice-supplierinfo-update-triple-discount — In the supplier invoice, automatically update all products whose discounts on the line is different from the supplier discounts
- odoo12-addon-l10n-it-fatturapa-out-triple-discount — Modulo ponte tra emissione fatture elettroniche e sconto triplo
- odoo12-addon-purchase-triple-discount — Manage triple discount on purchase order lines
- odoo12-addon-sale-triple-discount — Manage triple discount on sale order lines
- odoo12-addons-oca-account-invoicing — Meta package for oca-account-invoicing Odoo addons