Reverse Dependencies of odoo-addon-contract
The following projects have a declared dependency on odoo-addon-contract:
- odoo-addon-contract-analytic-tag — Contract Analytic Tag
- odoo-addon-contract-brand — This module allows you to manage branded contracts. It adds a brand field on the contract and propagate the value on the invoices.
- odoo-addon-contract-group — Contract Groups
- odoo-addon-contract-invoice-start-end-dates — Contract Invoice Start End Dates
- odoo-addon-contract-membership-delegated-partner — Set delegate membership on the contract
- odoo-addon-contract-operating-unit — Contract Operating Unit
- odoo-addon-contract-payment-mode — Payment mode in contracts and their invoices
- odoo-addon-contract-price-revision — Easy revision of contract prices
- odoo-addon-contract-queue-job — This addon make contract invoicing cron plan each contract in a job instead of creating all invoices in one transaction
- odoo-addon-contract-sale — Contract from Sale
- odoo-addon-contract-sale-invoicing — Include sales to invoice in contract invoice creation
- odoo-addon-contract-update-last-date-invoiced — This module allows to update the last date invoiced if invoices are deleted.
- odoo-addon-contract-variable-quantity — Variable quantity in contract recurrent invoicing
- odoo-addon-energy-communities-service-invoicing — Short (1 phrase/line) summary of the module's purpose, used as subtitle on modules listing or
- odoo-addon-energy-selfconsumption — Module for energetic self-consumption projects.
- odoo-addon-helpdesk-ticket-contract-contract — Allows to link helpdesk tickets with contracts.
- odoo-addon-maintenance-equipment-contract — Manage equipment contracts
- odoo-addon-odoo-instance — Manage Odoo instances with relevant information
- odoo-addon-product-contract — Recurring - Product Contract
- odoo-addons-oca-contract — Meta package for oca-contract Odoo addons