Reverse Dependencies of oauthlib
The following projects have a declared dependency on oauthlib:
- ctodd-python-lib-email — Python utilities used for interacting with email clients and sending emails
- custom-bgr — Customized background removal app
- cvt-tensorflow — TensorFlow 2.X reimplementation of CvT: Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers, Haiping Wu, Bin Xiao, Noel Codella, Mengchen Liu, Xiyang Dai, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang.
- cyral — The Cyral CLI tool
- cytopy — Data centric algorithm agnostic cytometry analysis framework
- dangqu-sdk — dangqu sdk
- danila — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- danila-lib — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- DashboardServerReportWebsiteSide — A website monitoring tool for performance, security, SEO, and UI
- data-ecosystem-flask — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Flask Web Service
- data-ecosystem-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- data-ecosystem-services — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- databricks-cli — A command line interface for Databricks
- databricks-runtime-python-env — Python dependencies installed on Databricks Runtimes
- databricks-sql-connector — Databricks SQL Connector for Python
- databricks-sql-connector-core — Databricks SQL Connector core for Python
- datadog-checks-base — The Datadog Check Toolkit
- datalab-ltiauthenticator — JupyterHub authenticator implementing LTI v1.1 and LTI v1.3
- datareservoirio — Python API
- dataspine-cli — Dataspine CLI client
- datazone — Datazone Client Package
- dazl — high-level Ledger API client for Daml ledgers
- db-contrib-tool — The `db-contrib-tool` - MongoDB's tool for contributors.
- dce_lti_py — A python library for building and/or consuming LTI apps
- ddataflow — A tool for end2end data tests
- dealcloud-api-wrapper — A python wrapper for easily interacting with the Dealcloud REST API.
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- dftimewolf — Digital forensic orchestration.
- DigitalRover — Tweet archiver for use with doltpy (awaiting conversion to be able to be installed as a module)
- dimweb-persona-bot — A dialogue bot with a personality
- discogs-client — Official Python API client for Discogs
- discord-curious — An async library for the Discord API
- Discord-Flask — no summary
- django-admin-oauth2 — A django app that replaces the django admin authentication mechanism by deferring to an oauth2 provider
- django-all-access — django-all-access is a reusable application for user registration and authentication from OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 providers such as Twitter and Facebook.
- django-blti — A Django Application on which to build IMS BLTI Tool Providers
- django-botai-manager — A Django app to conduct web-based botai web services.
- django-declarative-apis — Simple, readable, declarative APIs for Django
- django-doclib — A Document library
- django-eventcalendar — eventcalendar
- django-lti-provider — LTI helper
- django-lti-toolbox — A Django application to build LTI Tool Providers
- django-oauth-api — OAuth API for Django using Django Rest Framework
- django-oauth-toolkit — OAuth2 Provider for Django
- djumail — no summary
- dkregression — Python package for distributional kernel regression
- dlg-home-content — model to identify tv sizes using images
- dmae — TensorFlow implementation of the dissimilarity mixture autoencoder (DMAE)
- dmae-gpu — TensorFlow implementation of the dissimilarity mixture autoencoder (DMAE)
- DownloadDMARCAttachmentsFromGmail — Downloads DMARC attachments from Gmail
- dreamai-obj — Object Detection using dreamai.
- drf-oauth-toolkit — A toolkit for handling OAuth with Django Rest Framework
- drive-backup — Backup your Google Drive files locally.
- dsrag — State-of-the-art RAG pipeline from D-Star AI
- dta-wir-api-lib-python — no summary
- dummy-twitter-webhook-manager — A Python package help you when you want to reun a twitter bot
- dynamic-cli — A Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API testing, and if you're stuck - Search and browse StackOverflow without leaving the CLI
- easy-automation-test — Easy to create a web or api automation test project
- ecnu-openapi-sdk-python — ecnu-openapi-sdk-python
- edfi-schoology-extractor — Extract tool for retrieving student data from Canvas
- EditorMDiv — no summary
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- enformer-dna-diff — This is a package for that combines DeepMind Enformer model with DNA Diffusion project
- eodash_catalog — This package is intended to help create a compatible STAC catalog for the eodash dashboard client. It supports configuration of multiple endpoint types for information extraction.
- etspi — CLI App to manage Etsy shop and listings.
- evernote3 — Evernote SDK for Python3
- exchangelib — Client for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS)
- extralit-server — Open-source tool for accurate & fast scientific literature data extraction with LLM and human-in-the-loop.
- ezflow — A PyTorch library for optical flow estimation using neural networks
- face-tagger — A library for face recognition in multiple images and classification of photos containing each individual.
- fancy-nlp — NLP for humans
- fastapi-oauth2 — Easy to integrate OAuth2 authentication with support for several identity providers.
- fastapi-openid-google — Google OpenID integration for FastAPI
- fastapi-sso — FastAPI plugin to enable SSO to most common providers (such as Facebook login, Google login and login via Microsoft Office 365 Account)
- fastquant — Bringing data driven investments to the mainstream
- fdemmer-django-all-access — django-all-access is a reusable application for user registration and authentication from OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 providers such as Twitter and Facebook.
- fds.sdk.utils — Utilities for interacting with FactSet APIs.
- Few-Shot-Learning-NLP — This library provides tools and utilities for Few Shot Learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- fflogsapi — Python client for the FF Logs v2 API
- firefly-iaaa — Bounded context for users of your application.
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- Flask-Dance — Doing the OAuth dance with style using Flask, requests, and oauthlib
- Flask-Discord — Discord OAuth2 extension for Flask.
- Flask-OAuthlib — OAuthlib for Flask
- Flask-OAuthlib-Invenio — OAuthlib for Flask.
- Flaskcord — Discord OAuth2 extension for Flask.
- flet — Flet for Python - easily build interactive multi-platform apps in Python
- flet-contrib-runtime — Flet Runtime - a base package for Flet desktop and Flet mobile.
- flet-contribute — Flet for Python - easily build interactive multi-platform apps in Python
- flet-contributibe — Flet for Python - easily build interactive multi-platform apps in Python
- flet-contributive — Flet for Python - easily build interactive multi-platform apps in Python
- flet-runtime — Flet Runtime - a base package for Flet desktop and Flet mobile.
- fourinsight-api — 4Insight Python API
- friday-agent — An self-improving embodied conversational agent seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- fudstop — no summary
- fudstop2 — A market data API aggregator for analysis and real-time feeds.
- fudstop4 — A market data API aggregator for analysis and real-time feeds.
- fullscript.spellbook — A simple package to make your life easier.