Reverse Dependencies of nvidia-ml-py3
The following projects have a declared dependency on nvidia-ml-py3:
- angorapy — Build Goal-driven Models of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Ease.
- autogluon.multimodal — Fast and Accurate ML in 3 Lines of Code
- bnlm — Bengali Language Model
- briff — Implementation of BRIFF & FLAMES algorithms, for Fast & Global Point Cloud rigid registration.
- cfmUtils — My package description
- chgnet — Pretrained Universal Neural Network Potential for Charge-informed Atomistic Modeling
- co2-tracker-utils — CO2 Tracker helpers
- colab-dev-tools — Python utils package for Google Colab
- cudra — the job scheduler when using single GPU.
- deepview-profile — Interactive performance profiling and debugging tool for PyTorch neural networks.
- eden-python — Convert your python function into a hosted endpoint with minimal changes to your existing code
- encdecmeta — A meta search space for encoder decoder networks.
- face-rhythm — A pipeline for analysis of facial behavior using optical flow
- fedml-afaf — A research and production integrated edge-cloud library for federated/distributed machine learning at anywhere at any scale.
- gbsd — A Python package for determining the structures of materials with gradient-based methods.
- godolib — Machine/Deep learning and preprocessing oriented library
- gpu-debugger — Add a short description here!
- gpu-runner — Run a command requiring GPU resources
- gpu-utils — Utility functions for working with GPUs.
- gpugpu — gpugpu shows current statistics of GPUs and memory usage by running containers
- gpuwatcher — Monitor the memory usage and notify
- hardware-metrics — Decorador que proporciona estadisticas del hardware
- hardware-metrics-iti — Decorador que proporciona estadisticas del hardware
- ilpyt — The imitation learning toolbox (ilpyt) is an open-source Python code library developed at MITRE. The toolbox contains modular, optimized implementations of common deep imitation learning algorithms in PyTorch, with unified infrastructure supporting key imitation learning and reinforcement learning algorithms.
- inltk — Natural Language Toolkit for Indian Languages (iNLTK)
- jdit — Make it easy to do research on pytorch
- juans — juans is a package for fast iterating your deep learning experiment, it has some helpful tricks which are often used in competition and work by me, and more tricks are on the way!
- kmeanstf — TensorFlow-based implementation of k-means, k-means++ and tunnel k-means. GPU-enabled.
- kogitune — The Kogitune 🦊 LLM Project
- llmsearch — Find the Best Generation Parameters for your LLM & Dataset
- locallab — LocalLab: Run language models locally or in Google Collab with a friendly API
- MMSA — Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Framework
- mozi-ai — 墨子AI:军事人工智能领航者, developed by HSFW
- MultiGATE — MultiGATE single cell
- Multiple-smi — Look up GPU/CPU/RAM usage on multiple servers at the same time
- nanosense — A comprehensive package for solid state nanopore data analysis and visualization.
- nebula-ai — AI-Powered Ethical Hacking Assistant
- nvgpu — NVIDIA GPU tools
- ood_detectors — no summary
- perfwatch — Python code performace metrics calculation tool
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- polyaxon-gpustat — An utility to monitor NVIDIA GPU status and usage
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- recstudio — A modular, efficient, unified, and comprehensive recommendation library based on PyTorch.
- scAtlasVAE — scAtlasVAE: a deep learning framework for atlas-scale scRNA-seq integration and analysis
- scipion-em-facilities — Plugin to use Scipion in facilities
- selector-ac — Selector: Ensemble-Based Automated Algorithm Configuration
- skyline-cli — Interactive in-editor performance profiling, visualization, and debugging for PyTorch neural networks.
- tmprofile — A simple time, ram & vram python profiler.
- VisionSuite — Template for Python Athena
- vlutils — VL-Group Utilities
- wandb-testing — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.
- yqn-pytorch-framework — YQN Pytorch Framework