Reverse Dependencies of numpyencoder
The following projects have a declared dependency on numpyencoder:
- acetone-nnet — Predictable programming framework for ML applications in safety-critical systems.
- boexplain — BOExplain
- carl-bench — CARL- Contextually Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
- chartgenerator — Candlestick chart generator and support/resistance calculator for market data using and peakutils.
- crowdnalysis — Library to help analyze crowdsourcing results
- diamond-bandalyzer — A free, open-source python package for solving the near surface diamond electronic band structure.
- geopyv — A PIV/DIC analysis package for Python.
- image-augs — Image Augs supports Augmentation for Object Detection , Instance Segmentation and classification tasks.
- machine-common-sense — Machine Common Sense Python API to Unity 3D Simulation Environment
- mage-ai — Mage - An open-source data management platform that helps you clean data and prepare it for training AI/ML models
- medimage-pkg — MEDimage is a Python package for processing and extracting features from medical images
- sapiopylib — Official Sapio Informatics Platform Python API
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- smartgenai — Lightweight RAG Framework: Simple and Scalable Framework with Efficient Embeddings.
- SurfaceTopography — Read and analyze surface topographies
- TimeEval — Evaluation Tool for Time Series Anomaly Detection Methods
- timeseriesencoder — package for encoding and decoding time series in JSON files into embedded base 16, 64, or 91 encodings.
- topostats — Automated Analysis for Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Biomolecules
- ZEVIT-AIH-SDK — Python SDK to connect with ZEVIT Asset Integrity Hub