Reverse Dependencies of numpydoc
The following projects have a declared dependency on numpydoc:
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- a-python-package — A Python package
- aacgmv2 — A Python wrapper for AACGM-v2 magnetic coordinates
- abcvoting — A Python library of approval-based committee (ABC) rules
- ablator — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test2 — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test3 — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- access — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- access-jamessaxon — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- acoular — Python library for acoustic beamforming
- acro — ACRO: Tools for the Automatic Checking of Research Outputs
- adlfs — Access Azure Datalake Gen1 with fsspec and dask
- ads-async — Python TwinCAT ADS async tools
- aesp — aesp(Adaptive Evolutionary Structure Predictor) is a crystal structure prediction tool written in Python.
- afterglowpy — GRB Afterglow Models
- agent0 — Agent interface for on-chain protocols.
- agvis — Web application of geographical visualizer for energy systems
- ai-minimization-toolkit — A toolkit for minimizing the data required to apply machine learning
- aiagentaz — A Python package for easily interacting with various AI services.
- aifashion-sdk — AIFashion® Python SDK
- aimfast — An Astronomical Image Fidelity Assessment Tool.
- aioconnect — AIO connect
- aiox — AIOx
- airflow-provider-datarobot — This client library is designed to integrate Airflow with the DataRobot API.
- airflow-provider-datarobot-early-access — This client library is designed to integrate Airflow with the DataRobot API.
- aisdc — Tools for the statistical disclosure control of machine learning models
- akimous — An intelligent Python IDE
- alhambra-mixes — Many-component mix library for molecular programming
- AllanTools — A python library for calculating Allan deviation and related time & frequency statistics
- AlmaTracking — A dynamic repository for streamlined Alma tracking.
- alphacsc — Convolutional dictionary learning for noisy signals.
- alphalens-cn — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-reloaded — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-tej — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphazero — A template for playing games with alphazero.
- altair — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair_alx_alpha — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-alx-version — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-express — Create interactive data visualizations in one line of code.
- ampworks — Processing and visualization tools for battery experiments.
- anaflow — AnaFlow - analytical solutions for the groundwater-flow equation.
- aneris-iamc — Harmonize Integrated Assessment Model Emissions Trajectories
- anesthetic — nested sampling post-processing
- angst — Angular statistics
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anisocado — Generate off-axis SCAO PSFs for the ELT
- ansys-additive-core — A Python client for the Ansys Additive service
- ansys-additive-widgets — Visualization toolkit for parametric additive simulations
- ansys-aedt-toolkits-common — User interface example repository to create your toolkit.
- ansys-dpf-composites — Post-processing of composite structures based on Ansys DPF
- ansys-dynamicreporting-core — Python interface to Ansys Dynamic Reporting
- ansys-edb-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Edb service
- ansys-engineeringworkflow-api — API specification for an engineering workflow engine
- ansys-geometry-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Geometry service
- ansys-hps-client — A python client for Ansys HPC Platform Services
- ansys-hps-data-transfer-client — Python client library for hps data transfer service
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- ansys-materials-manager — Python package to unify material management across the ansys portfolio
- ansys-math-core — A Python wrapper for PyAnsys Math libraries.
- ansys-mechanical-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Mechanical
- ansys-mechanical-stubs — Mechanical scripting API stubs for PyMechanical.
- ansys-meshing-prime — PyPrimeMesh is a Python client to Ansys Prime Server, which delivers core Ansys meshing technology.
- ansys-modelcenter-workflow — A python wrapper for ModelCenter Desktop
- ansys-motorcad-core — Pythonic interface to Ansys Motor-CAD.
- ansys-optislang-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys optiSLang application.
- ansys-platform-instancemanagement — A Python wrapper for Ansys platform instancemanagement
- ansys-pre-commit-hooks — A Python wrapper to create Ansys-tailored pre-commit hooks
- ansys-pyensight-core — A python wrapper for Ansys EnSight
- ansys-rocky-core — Python client library for Ansys Rocky
- ansys-scade-apitools — An extension library for SCADE Python APIs.
- ansys-scade-git — SCADE GUI extensions and command line utilities for Git.
- ansys-scade-pyalmgw — Python toolbox for Ansys SCADE LifeCycle ALM Gateway.
- ansys-scade-pyhg — SCADE Test Harness Generator for Python.
- ansys-scade-python-wrapper — SCADE code generation target to produce a Python proxy to a SCADE application.
- ansys-scade-wux — Generic code integration target for SCADE.
- ansys-scadeone-core — Python interface for Ansys Scade One
- ansys-seascape — A pythonic remotable interface to RedHawkSC and TotemSC
- ansys-sherlock-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Sherlock
- ansys-sound-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys DPF Sound.
- ansys-speos-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys Speos
- ansys-sphinx-theme — A theme devised by ANSYS, Inc. for Sphinx documentation.
- ansys-systemcoupling-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys System Coupling.
- ansys-templates — Creates Python projects according to PyAnsys guidelines
- ansys-tools-path — Library to locate Ansys products in a local machine.
- ansys-tools-protoc-helper — A utility for compiling '.proto' files to Python source.
- — Synchronize the content of two different repositories.
- ansys-tools-visualization-interface — A Python visualization interface for PyAnsys libraries
- ansys-units — Pythonic interface for units, unit systems, and unit conversions.
- ansys-workbench-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Workbench
- antropy — AntroPy: entropy and complexity of time-series in Python
- aolab-bmi3d — electrophysiology experimental rig library
- apparate — Update libraries on Databricks
- apt-local — Simple symlink-based package manager for local installations (without sudo)
- apytypes — Python package for custom fixed-point and floating-point formats
- araviq6 — Package for converting QVideoFrame to NDArray with Qt6
- arcana — Abstraction of Repository-Centric ANAlysis (Arcana): A framework for analysing on file-based datasets "in-place" (i.e. without manual download)
- arcana-bids — An Arcana extension for interacting with Brain Imaging Structure (BIDS) datasets and associated "Apps"
- arcana-testing — Dummy classes for testing the Arcana framework
- arcana-xnat — An extension of the Arcana framework to apply workflows and analyses on data stored within XNAT data repositories