Reverse Dependencies of numpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on numpy:
- 0lever-utils — utils
- 0xibra-scann — Scalable Nearest Neighbor search library
- 101703373-topsis — A Python package to get optimal solutiion.
- 101903117-shivam-singal — A Python package to get the best out of various features.
- 101903140 — Calculating topsis
- 101903688 — Calculating topsis
- 101903755 — Calculating topsis
- 101903762 — Calculating topsis Score
- 102003037-topsis — Topsis
- 102003050-topsis — Calculate Topsis score and save it in a csv file
- 102103417-topsis-ojaswani — no summary
- 102116078-topsis-py — Implementation of Topsis in Python
- 102203148-topsis — A Python package for multi-criteria decision-making using the TOPSIS method.
- 102203162-topsis — A Python library for the TOPSIS decision-making method.
- 102203166-topsis — A Python package to implement the TOPSIS method for multi-criteria decision analysis.
- 102203166-topsis-stuti — A Python package to implement the TOPSIS method for multi-criteria decision analysis.
- 102203201-simrat — It gives the topsis analysis of your csv file with score and rankings.
- 102203236-Topsis — A Python package for TOPSIS multi-criteria decision making
- 102203525-TOPSIS — A Python package for TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution)
- 102203551-topsis — A Python package to implement the TOPSIS decision-making method.
- 102203571-Topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS method
- 102203584 — It performs topsis
- 102203594-topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS
- 102203816-Topsis — This package performs topsis on your data
- 102216005-Topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS decision-making method
- 102216095-Topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS decision-making method
- 102217006-topsis — A Python package for implementing the TOPSIS multi-criteria decision analysis method.
- 102217053-topsis — This is a topsis package
- 102217106-topsis — A simple TOPSIS implementation package.
- 102217109-topsis — A simple TOPSIS implementation package.
- 102217161-topsis — MCDM using Topsis
- 102217236-TOPSIS — Topsis Implementation.
- 102218038-topsis — Runs topsis algorythm for pre trained models
- 102218041-topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS method for multi-criteria decision making
- 111752 — malware analysis
- 170051277-trab-final-gces — Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
- 19CS30055-package1 — My package
- 19CS30055-Q2 — My package
- 1lever-utils — utils
- 1mllab — A simple neural network implementation
- 1neuron-pypi-overlordiam — An implementation of Perceptron
- 1NeuronPerceptron-Pypi-mdnazmulislam0087 — its an implimentation of Perceptron
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- 2048-cli — A small clone of 2048 for terminal, and also the implementation of an A.I. for it
- 21234191-cpp-pkg — A short description of my package
- 21CMMC — An extensible MCMC framework for 21cmFAST
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- 2404-segmentation-pipeline — no summary
- 2dwavesim — Simulate waves on 2D surfaces with arbitrary shape/size!
- 3d-connectX-env — 3D ConnectX for OpenAI Gym.
- 3D-MCMP-MRT-LBM — A 3D multicomponent multiphase lattice Boltzmann solver with a Multi-Relaxation-Time collision scheme and a sparse storage structure
- 3D-RCNet — A package for 3D RCNet with pretrained model
- 3D-registration — Some scripts to register images in space and time
- 3DCORE — 3D Coronal Rope Ejection Model
- 3DeeCellTracker — A package for tracking cells in 3D time lapse images in deforming organs or moving animals
- 3dRenderPy — This is an implementation of a ray tracer based on Jamis Buck's The Ray Tracer Challenge. It supports several primitives.
- 3dstrudel — Strudel package
- 3lc — 3LC Python Package - A tool for model-guided, interactive data debugging and enhancements
- 3m — 3m
- 4996 — Nothing to see here.
- 4dpyautodiff — A simple library for auto differentiation
- a-cv-imwrite-imread-plus — Less trouble reading/writing images with OpenCV (from url/path/buffer/base64...)
- a-cv2-calculate-simlilarity — Calculate the simlilarity of 2 or more pictures with OpenCV
- a-cv2-easy-resize — Different ways of resizing pictures in OpenCV
- a-cv2-find-biggest-square — Get the largest blank square area in a picture
- a-cv2-imshow-thread — Solution for the window - not responding problem with cv2.imshow()
- a-cv2-putTrueTypeText — Like cv2.putText, but with TrueType Fonts (ttf)
- a-cv2-shape-finder — Detecting shapes with OpenCV, and getting all the important information in a DataFrame
- a-cv2-text-effects — Text effects for OpenCV
- a-data-processing — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- A-FMM — Python implementation of the Aperiodic-Fourier Modal Method for electromagnetic simulation
- a-gis — Functional python that shields users from breaking changes.
- a-pandas-ex-closest-color — Calculates the closest colors from 2 lists
- a-pandas-ex-columns-and-index — Some useful methods for columns / index in Pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-console-plot — Retro Pandas - Plotting back in 1985
- a-pandas-ex-csv-plus — When pd.read_csv(csvstring, sep=r'\s+') doesn't work ...
- a-pandas-ex-easy-loc — Search and replace values with df.loc without Exceptions due to dtype incompatibility
- a-pandas-ex-fastloc — Up to 25 times faster than df.loc by combining and numexpr.evaluate (works with utf-8)
- a-pandas-ex-fuzzymerge — Merges two DataFrames using fuzzy matching on specified columns
- a-pandas-ex-group-coordinates-by-distance — Group coordinates by euclidean distance
- a-pandas-ex-image-tools — Uses pandas/numpy/numexpr for operations on pictures - very fast
- a-pandas-ex-less-memory-more-speed — A Python package to reduce the memory usage of pandas DataFrames. It speeds up your workflow and reduces the risk of running out of memory.
- a-pandas-ex-logcat2df — ADB logcat to Pandas DataFrame for better debugging
- a-pandas-ex-lookupdict — Creates a lookup dict from a Pandas DataFrame (tuples as keys / np as values)
- a-pandas-ex-memorydump-to-df — Load a ProcDump memory dump into a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-mindex-aggregate — Aggregates multiple columns of a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-numexpr — Pandas DataFrame/Series operations 8 times faster (or even more)
- a-pandas-ex-obj-into-cell — Puts objects into cells / columns of a Pandas Dataframe
- a-pandas-ex-plode-tool — No more sleepless nights due to a nested dict, json, list or whatsoever
- a-pandas-ex-regex-enhancements — Get repeated capture groups, search without having to fear Exceptions in any df/Series, convert results to appropriate dtypes, use fast Trie regex
- a-pandas-ex-split — Several methods to split a pandas DataFrame/Series
- a-pandas-ex-split-on-common-char — Splits the elements in a Series using a common separator character and returns a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-tesseract-multirow-regex-fuzz — Regex/Fuzz search across multiple rows/Tesseract to pandas.DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-uiautomator-to-df — ADB uiautomator dump to Pandas DataFrame
- a-python-package — A Python package
- a-sample-classification-model — sample Classification model package.
- a-selenium-screenshot-whole-page — Takes a screenshot from a whole page (same size as page / no repeating parts)
- a-selenium-screenshots-all-elements — Takes a screenshot of every element on a site
- a2dr — A Python package for type-II Anderson accelerated Douglas-Rachford splitting (A2DR).
- A2G — Accurarate amplicon alignment to gene consensus