Reverse Dependencies of numexpr
The following projects have a declared dependency on numexpr:
- a-cv2-calculate-simlilarity — Calculate the simlilarity of 2 or more pictures with OpenCV
- a-pandas-ex-closest-color — Calculates the closest colors from 2 lists
- a-pandas-ex-fast-string — Up to 4x faster than Series.str.contains / Series.eq - can handle Unicode!
- a-pandas-ex-fastloc — Up to 25 times faster than df.loc by combining and numexpr.evaluate (works with utf-8)
- a-pandas-ex-fuzzymerge — Merges two DataFrames using fuzzy matching on specified columns
- a-pandas-ex-image-tools — Uses pandas/numpy/numexpr for operations on pictures - very fast
- a-pandas-ex-numexpr — Pandas DataFrame/Series operations 8 times faster (or even more)
- a-pandas-ex-split-on-common-char — Splits the elements in a Series using a common separator character and returns a DataFrame
- abeverage-calculator — Evaluate string using python and/or wolfram
- acqdp — Alibaba Cloud Quantum Development Platform
- ag-llama-api — ag_llama_api Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama-api-s — ag_llama_api_s Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama-hub — ag_llama_hub Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama-hub-s — ag_llama_hub Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama2-api-s — ag_llama2_api_s Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama2-hub-s — ag_llama2_hub Test Package for Somthing
- ai-parrot — Live Chatbots based on Langchain chatbots and Agents Integrated into Navigator Framework or used into any aiohttp applications.
- aict-tools — Artificial Intelligence for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
- ak-pynn — A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library that allows to build multilayer neural network with ease.
- alpha-transform — Adaptive alpha shearlet transform for manifold-valued data
- amplicnv — A Python3.x package for CNV detection
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- arcan — An AI web3 tooling platform for the decentralized customization and enhancement of AI agents
- ares-ai — ARES is an advanced evaluation framework for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems,
- asammdf — ASAM MDF measurement data file parser
- askagent — LLM-based agents to be run from terminal to perform differen tasks with the command askagent
- aspcore — no summary
- astro-gala — Galactic dynamics in Python
- atlas-mpl-style — ATLAS style for Matplotlib 3.0+
- atlite — Library for fetching and converting weather data to power systems data
- atmos — Atmospheric sciences utility library
- atmosp — Atmospheric sciences utility library
- AutoTS — Automated Time Series Forecasting
- autoXRD — A package for automated XRD analysis
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- azuremlftk — "Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Forecasting Toolkit"
- Backtesting-Framework — A comprehensive backtesting framework designed to evaluate and compare various investment strategies using historical data. This framework enables users to implement, test, and analyze trading strategies by providing detailed performance metrics and customizable visualizations. It supports data input in CSV or Parquet formats and offers multiple visualization backends, including matplotlib, seaborn, and plotly.
- batoolset — An aggregate of functions I find useful
- bcolz-zipline — Columnar and compressed data containers.
- beluga — A general purpose indirect trajectory optimization framework.
- betting-env — Create a custom GYM environment to simulate trading strategy.
- bflower — A Python package with a built-in web application
- biospectools — Python tools for processing spectral data
- blechpy — Package for exrtacting, processing and analyzing Intan and OpenEphys data
- Bliss — BeamLine Instrumentation Support Software
- blosc2 — A fast & compressed ndarray library with a flexible compute engine.
- bnlm — Bengali Language Model
- boadata — (B)rother (O)f (A)rbitrary Data - Python CLI tools for data.
- bout-runners — Manage your BOUT++ runs through python
- Brinson-api — Brinson module
- CalcalcTT — AY250 HW3: evaluate string expressions with numexpr and Wolfram Alpha.
- CalcalcZB — AY250 HW3: evaluate numeric string expressions.
- calculate-py-ay250 — Project that evaluates mathematical expressions, including calls to the wolfram alpha api.
- canalyst-candas — The official Canalyst Software Development Kit (SDK) for our public API
- Carousel — Model Simulation Framework
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- catchment — A python package for catchment delineation
- catsim — Computerized Adaptive Testing Simulator
- causaldag — Causal DAG manipulation and inference
- chatmof — chatmof
- Chorus — Simple chemical structure modeling toolkit
- Chronix2Grid — A python package to generate "en-masse" chronics for loads and productions (thermal, renewable)
- cili — Eyetracking data tools based on pandas
- cirdhighspeedcoverter — High speed conversion of IP addresses represented in CIDR notation into their corresponding start and end IPs, along with their respective subnet masks.
- CIRIquant — circular RNA quantification pipeline
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- classiq — Classiq's Python SDK for quantum computing
- Clement — GUI for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
- clusterzeug — Some functions for clustering
- cnvfinder — A Python3.x package for CNV detection
- conditional-independence — Parametric and non-parametric conditional independence tests.
- contactbook — contactbook + notebook + filesort + calculator
- contentai-activity-classifier — ContentAI Activity Classification Service
- contentai-metadata-flatten — ContentAI Metadata Flattening Service
- coordinator-data-tasks — A python-based command line utility to automate some of the most common data tasks faced by the Clinical Coordinators.
- cosmotool — A small cosmotool box of useful functions
- courtana — Tools for courtship analysis
- covid_sicr — Global estimation of unobserved COVID-19 infection
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- csdmpy — A python module for the core scientific dataset model.
- cwb-ccc — CWB wrapper to extract concordances and collocates
- cyclic-boosting — Implementation of Cyclic Boosting machine learning algorithms
- cythonanyarray — Pass arrays of any dimension to Cython as memory views (no Global Interpreter Lock (GIL))
- cythoneuclideandistance — Calculate Euclidean distances between two sets of coordinates (Cython and Numexpr)
- cythonimagetools — Provides functions (Cython - C) for color analysis in images, including finding unique colors, counting occurrences, and comparing images
- cytoflow — Python tools for quantitative, reproducible flow cytometry analysis
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- daqview — DAQ Data Analysis Software
- datafold — Operator-theoretic models to identify dynamical systems and parametrize point cloud geometry
- DDFacet — Facet-based radio astronomy continuum imager
- deafrica-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Africa data.
- decorrelation — An InSAR postprocessing tool
- deepsurveysim — An astrological survey simulation designed for testing MDP-style algorithms
- DeerLab — Comprehensive package for data analysis of dipolar EPR spectroscopy
- demogpt — Autonomous AI Agent for Gen-AI App Generation
- dendritic-arborization-tracer — A tool to segment dendrites
- dexp — Light-sheet Dataset EXploration and Processing
- dfapp — A Python package with a built-in web application
- dfplanner — Using Pyccolo to optimize Pandas query plans holistically
- diffractio — Optical Diffraction and Interference (scalar and vectorial)