Reverse Dependencies of numba-scipy
The following projects have a declared dependency on numba-scipy:
- Beetroot-SEB — Beetroot - The definitive library for Single Elctron Box simulations
- DyGyS — DyGyS is a package for Maximum Entropy regression models with gravity specification for undirected and directed network data. Moreover, it can solve them, generate the graph ensemble, compute several network statistics, calculate model selection measures such as AIC and BIC and quantify their reproduction accuracy in topological and weighted properties.
- firecode — Computational chemistry general purpose ensemble optimizer and transition state builder
- harmoniums — Harmoniums -- a.k.a. restricted Boltzmann machines -- with binary latent states for survival analysis.
- pastas — Pastas is an open-source Python framework for the analysis of groundwater time series.
- radio-pyse — Python Source Extractor
- sirius — Simulation of Radio Interferometry from Unique Sources
- structure-factor — Approximate the structure factor of a stationary point process, test its hyperuniformity, and identify its class of hyperuniformity.
- tscode — Computational chemistry general purpose transition state builder and ensemble optimizer